
3.2 KiB



1. Calculate palette bit size

  • This task doesn't use the bitstring data type.
  • Find the smallest positive number n such that 2 raised to the power of n is greater than or equal than the number of colors we need to represent.
  • Create a recursive function for this.
  • Choose a starting bit size of 1. If 2 raised to the power of the bit size is greater than or equal to the color count, we've found our bit size. If not, add 1 to the bit size and check again (recursion).
  • Use Integer.pow/2 to raise 2 to a given power.

2. Create an empty picture

3. Create a test picture

4. Prepend a pixel to a picture

  • The bitstring special form can be used to append a new fragment to an existing bitstring.
  • Use the type operator to specify the bit size of the new fragment as well as the existing bitstring.
  • Use the previously implemented PaintByNumber.palette_bit_size/1 function to get the bit size of the new fragment.
  • Use the special ::bitstring type to specify that the old fragment is of unknown size.

5. Get the first pixel from a picture

  • The bitstring special form can be used to pattern match bitstrings.
  • Use the previously implemented PaintByNumber.palette_bit_size/1 function to get the bit size of one pixel.
  • Use the special ::bitstring type to specify that the rest of the bitstring is of unknown size.

6. Drop the first pixel from a picture

  • The bitstring special form can be used to pattern match bitstrings.
  • Use the previously implemented PaintByNumber.palette_bit_size/1 function to get the bit size of one pixel.
  • Use the special ::bitstring type to specify that the rest of the bitstring is of unknown size.

7. Concatenate two pictures

  • The bitstring special form can be used to concatenate two bitstrings.
  • Use the special ::bitstring type to specify that each of the bitstring fragments is of unknown size.