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1. Define the animation behaviour

  • Use the @callback module attribute to define the desired functions.
  • Each callback must specify the function name, list of arguments (their types) and the return value (its type).
  • Use the given custom types dot, opts, error, and frame_number in the callbacks' definitions.
  • Refresh your knowledge of typespecs to help with defining callbacks.

2. Provide a default implementation of the init/1 callback

  • Define a __using__/1 macro in the DancingDots.Animation module.
  • The macros' argument can be ignored.
  • The macro must return a quoted expression.
  • In the quoted expression, use @behaviour so that calling use DancingDots.Animation sets DancingDots.Animation as the using module's behaviour.
  • In the quoted expression, implement the init/1 function.
  • The default implementation of the init/1 function should wrap the given opts argument in :ok tuple.
  • There is a macro that can mark a function as overridable.

3. Implement the Flicker animation

  • Make use of DancingDots.Animation __using__/1 macro by calling this one special macro in the DancingDots.Flicker module.
  • You do not need to implement the init/1 function. Its default implementation is enough.
  • You need to implement the handle_frame/3 function.
  • To detect "every 4th frame", you can check if the remainder when dividing it by 4 is equal to 0.

4. Implement the Zoom animation

  • Make use of DancingDots.Animation __using__/1 macro by calling this one special macro in the DancingDots.Zoom module.
  • You need to implement both the init/1 function and the handle_frame/3 function.
  • Use the Keyword module to work with the options keyword list.
  • There is a built-in guard for checking if a value is a number.