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# Freelancer Rates
Welcome to Freelancer Rates on Exercism's Elixir Track.
If you need help running the tests or submitting your code, check out `HELP.md`.
If you get stuck on the exercise, check out `HINTS.md`, but try and solve it without using those first :)
## Introduction
## Integers
There are two different kinds of numbers in Elixir - integers and floats.
Integers are whole numbers.
integer = 3
# => 3
## Floating Point Numbers
Floats are numbers with one or more digits behind the decimal separator. They use the 64-bit double precision floating-point format.
float = 3.45
# => 3.45
### Working with numbers
In the [`Integer`][integer-functions] and [`Float`][float-functions] modules you can find some useful functions for working with those types. Basic arithmetic operators are defined in the [`Kernel`][kernel-arithmetic-operators] module.
### Conversion
Integers and floats can be mixed together in a single arithmetic expression. Using a float in an expression ensures the result will be a float too.
2 * 3
# => 6
2 * 3.0
# => 6.0
However, when doing division, the result will always be a float, even if only integers are used.
6 / 2
# => 3.0
To convert a float to an integer, you can discard the decimal part with [`trunc/1`][trunc-1].
[integer-functions]: https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Integer.html#functions
[float-functions]: https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Float.html#functions
[kernel-arithmetic-operators]: https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Kernel.html#*/2
[trunc-1]: https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Kernel.html#trunc/1
## Instructions
In this exercise you'll be writing code to help a freelancer communicate with a project manager by providing a few utilities to quickly calculate daily and
monthly rates, optionally with a given discount.
We first establish a few rules between the freelancer and the project manager:
- The daily rate is 8 times the hourly rate.
- A month has 22 billable days.
Sometimes, the freelancer is offering to apply a discount on their daily rate (for example for their most loyal customers or for non-for-profit customers).
Discounts are modeled as fractional numbers representing percentage, for example `25.0` (25%).
## 1. Calculate the daily rate given an hourly rate
Implement a function to calculate the daily rate given an hourly rate:
# => 480.0
The returned daily rate should be a float.
## 2. Calculate a discounted price
Implement a function to calculate the price after a discount.
FreelancerRates.apply_discount(150, 10)
# => 135.0
The returned value should always be a float, not rounded in any way.
## 3. Calculate the monthly rate, given an hourly rate and a discount
Implement a function to calculate the monthly rate, and apply a discount:
FreelancerRates.monthly_rate(77, 10.5)
# => 12130
The returned monthly rate should be rounded up (take the ceiling) to the nearest integer.
## 4. Calculate the number of workdays given a budget, hourly rate and discount
Implement a function that takes a budget, an hourly rate, and a discount, and calculates how many days of work that covers.
FreelancerRates.days_in_budget(20000, 80, 11.0)
# => 35.1
The returned number of days should be rounded down (take the floor) to one decimal place.
## Source
### Created by
- @angelikatyborska
### Contributed to by
- @neenjaw