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1. Make the response when the guess matches the secret number

  • You can use a guard to check if the numbers are the same with ===/2.

2. Make the response when the guess is greater than the secret number

3. Make the response when the guess is less than the secret number

4. Make the responses when the guess is one more or one less than the secret number

  • You can add a function clause and guards to check if the guess is one less or one more than the secret number.
  • Guards expressions can use and/2, or or/2 to combine boolean expressions.
  • Pay attention to the order of the function clauses.

5. Make the response when there is no guess

  • You can make use of a default argument for a guess. The default value does not have to be an integer.
  • Use a function header before all the other function clauses to define the default argument.