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1.7 KiB
- A map is an associative data structure of key-value pairs.
- Elixir offers many useful Map module functions in the standard library.
1. Define a new high score map
- It should return an empty map.
- Map module functions or literal forms can be useful.
2. Add players to the high score map
- The resulting map should be returned.
- Map module contains functions useful for manipulating maps. One of them puts a value in a map under a given key.
3. Remove players from the score map
- The resulting map should be returned.
- Map module contains functions useful for manipulating maps. One of them deletes a key from a map.
4. Reset a player's score
- The resulting map should be returned with the player's score reset to an initial value.
- Map module contains functions useful for manipulating maps. One of them puts a value in a map under a given key.
5. Update a player's score
- The resulting map should be returned with the player's updated score.
- Map module contains functions useful for manipulating maps. One of them updates a value in a map under a given key.
6. Get a list of players
- Map module contains functions useful for manipulating maps. One of them returns a list of all keys in a map.