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1. Turn code into data

2. Parse a single AST node

  • Inspect the output of quote to familiarize yourself with how ASTs look like for specific code snippets.
  • The operations that define a function are :def and :defp.
  • The operation is the first element in a three-element AST node tuple.
  • You can ignore the second element in the tuple in this exercise completely.
  • The third element in the tuple is the argument list of the operation that defines the function.
  • The first element on that list is a tuple with the function's name and arguments, and the second element is the function's body.

3. Decode the secret message part from function definition

  • Inspect the output of quote to familiarize yourself with how ASTs look like for specific code snippets.
  • The AST node that contains the function's name also contains the function's argument list as the third element.
  • The arity of a function is the length of its argument list.
  • There is a built-in function in the String module that can get the first n characters from a string.
  • A function without arguments written without parentheses will not have a list as argument but an atom.

4. Fix the decoding for functions with guards

  • Inspect the output of quote to familiarize yourself with how ASTs look like for specific code snippets.
  • When a function has a guard, the third element in the tuple for the :def/:defp operation is a bit different.
  • That third element is a list with two elements, the first one is the tuple for the :when operation, and the second one is the function's body.
  • The :when operation's arguments are a two-element list, where the first argument is the function's name, and the second is the guard expression.

5. Decode the full secret message

  • Use the function to_ast/1 that you implemented in the first task to create the AST.
  • There is a built-in function that can visit each node in an AST with an accumulator.
  • Use the function decode_secret_message_part/2 that you implemented in previous tasks to prewalk the AST.
  • To reverse the accumulator at the end and turn it into a string, refresh your knowledge of the Enum module.