2024-12-13 02:17:30 +00:00
defmodule UkraineTaxidEx.Itin.Parser do
@moduledoc """
This module provides parsing functionality for Ukrainian Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN).
ITINs (also known as РНОКПП/ІПН) are unique identifiers assigned to individuals in Ukraine for tax purposes.
The parser validates the number format and extracts meaningful components like the checksum according to
official requirements.
Key features:
- Validates ITIN format and length
- Calculates and verifies checksum
- Parses components into a structured format
- Handles both raw strings and pre-validated input
Examples of successful ITIN parsing:
iex> UkraineTaxidEx.Itin.Parser.parse("2222222222")
{:ok, %UkraineTaxidEx.Itin{code: "2222222222", birth_date: ~D[1960-12-17], number: 2222, gender: 0, check_sum: 2, check_digit: 2}}
iex> UkraineTaxidEx.Itin.Parser.parse("3333333333")
{:ok, %UkraineTaxidEx.Itin{code: "3333333333", birth_date: ~D[1991-03-05], number: 3333, gender: 1, check_sum: 3, check_digit: 3}}
Examples of unsuccessful ITIN parsing:
iex> UkraineTaxidEx.Itin.Parser.parse("123456")
{:error, :length_too_short}
iex> UkraineTaxidEx.Itin.Parser.parse("12345678901")
{:error, :length_too_long}
iex> UkraineTaxidEx.Itin.Parser.parse("1234567890")
{:error, :invalid_checksum}
alias UkraineTaxidEx.Itin
alias UkraineTaxidEx.Commons, as: C
import UkraineTaxidEx.Itin, only: [length: 0]
import UkraineTaxidEx.Itin.CheckSum, only: [check_sum: 1]
import UkraineTaxidEx.Itin.Validator, only: [validate: 1]
import UkraineTaxidEx.Commons, only: [check_digit: 1, digits: 1, digits: 3, undigits: 1, ok: 1]
require Integer
@type itin_string() :: String.t()
@type itin() :: Itin.t()
@type itin_or_error() ::
{:ok, Itin.t()}
| {:error,
| :length_too_long
| :invalid_checksum}
@base_date Date.new!(1899, 12, 31)
def base_date(), do: @base_date
use UkraineTaxidEx.BaseParser
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defp generate(string) do
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digits = digits(string)
code: string,
birth_date: birth_date(digits),
number: number(digits),
gender: gender(digits),
check_sum: check_sum(digits),
check_digit: check_digit(digits)
|> to_struct()
|> ok()
@spec slice(digits :: C.digits(), Range.t()) :: Date.t()
defp slice(digits, range) do
|> Enum.slice(range)
|> undigits()
|> String.to_integer()
@spec birth_date(digits :: C.digits()) :: Date.t()
def birth_date(digits), do: Date.add(base_date(), slice(digits, 0..4))
@spec number(digits :: C.digits()) :: integer()
def number(digits), do: slice(digits, 5..8)
@spec gender(digits :: C.digits()) :: Itin.gender()
def gender(digits), do: (Integer.is_odd(slice(digits, -2..-2//1)) && 1) || 0