defmodule IbanEx.Validator do @moduledoc false alias IbanEx.{Country, Parser} alias IbanEx.Validator.Replacements import IbanEx.Commons, only: [normalize: 1] defp error_accumulator(acc, error_message) defp error_accumulator(acc, {:error, error}), do: [error | acc] defp error_accumulator(acc, _), do: acc defp violation_functions(), do: [ {&__MODULE__.iban_violates_format?/1, {:error, :invalid_format}}, {&__MODULE__.iban_unsupported_country?/1, {:error, :unsupported_country_code}}, {&__MODULE__.iban_violates_length?/1, {:error, :invalid_length}}, {&__MODULE__.iban_violates_country_rule?/1, {:error, :invalid_format_for_country}}, {&__MODULE__.iban_violates_checksum?/1, {:error, :invalid_checksum}} ] @doc """ Accumulate check results in the list of errors Check iban_violates_format?, iban_unsupported_country?, iban_violates_length?, iban_violates_country_rule?, iban_violates_checksum? """ @spec violations(String.t()) :: [] | [atom()] def violations(iban) do violation_functions() |> Enum.reduce([], fn {fun, value}, acc -> error_accumulator(acc, !fun.(iban) or value) end) |> Enum.reverse() end @doc """ Make checks in this order step-by-step before first error -> iban_violates_format?, iban_unsupported_country?, iban_violates_length?, iban_violates_country_rule?, iban_violates_checksum? """ @type iban() :: binary() @type iban_or_error() :: {:ok, iban()} | {:invalid_checksum, binary()} | {:invalid_format, binary()} | {:invalid_length, binary()} | {:unsupported_country_code, binary()} @spec validate(String.t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, atom()} def validate(iban) do cond do iban_violates_format?(iban) -> {:error, :invalid_format} iban_unsupported_country?(iban) -> {:error, :unsupported_country_code} iban_violates_length?(iban) -> {:error, :invalid_length} iban_violates_country_rule?(iban) -> {:error, :invalid_format_for_country} iban_violates_checksum?(iban) -> {:error, :invalid_checksum} true -> {:ok, normalize(iban)} end end @spec size(String.t()) :: non_neg_integer() defp size(iban) do iban |> normalize() |> String.length() end # - Check whether a given IBAN violates the required format. @spec iban_violates_format?(String.t()) :: boolean def iban_violates_format?(iban), do: Regex.match?(~r/[^A-Z0-9]/i, normalize(iban)) # - Check whether a given IBAN violates the supported countries. @spec iban_unsupported_country?(String.t()) :: boolean def iban_unsupported_country?(iban) do supported? = iban |> Parser.country_code() |> Country.is_country_code_supported?() !supported? end @doc "Check whether a given IBAN violates the required length." @spec iban_violates_length?(String.t()) :: boolean def iban_violates_length?(iban) do with country_code <- Parser.country_code(iban), country_module when is_atom(country_module) <- Country.country_module(country_code) do size(iban) != country_module.size() else {:error, _error} -> true end end @doc "Check length of IBAN" @spec check_iban_length(String.t()) :: {:error, :length_to_short | :length_to_long} | :ok def check_iban_length(iban) do case iban_unsupported_country?(iban) do true -> {:error, :unsupported_country_code} false -> country_module = iban |> Parser.country_code() |> Country.country_module() case country_module.size() - size(iban) do diff when diff > 0 -> {:error, :length_to_short} diff when diff < 0 -> {:error, :length_to_long} 0 -> :ok end end end @doc "Check whether a given IBAN violates the country rules" @spec iban_violates_country_rule?(String.t()) :: boolean def iban_violates_country_rule?(iban) do with country_code <- Parser.country_code(iban), bban <- Parser.bban(iban), country_module when is_atom(country_module) <- Country.country_module(country_code), rule <- country_module.rule() do !Regex.match?(rule, bban) else {:error, _error} -> true end end @doc "Check whether a given IBAN violates the required checksum." @spec iban_violates_checksum?(String.t()) :: boolean def iban_violates_checksum?(iban) do check_sum_base = Parser.bban(iban) <> Parser.country_code(iban) <> "00" replacements = Replacements.replacements() remainder = for(<>, into: "", do: replacements[<>] || <>) |> String.to_integer() |> rem(97) checksum = (98 - remainder) |> Integer.to_string() |> String.pad_leading(2, "0") checksum !== Parser.check_digits(iban) end end