defmodule IbanEx.Country.Template do @moduledoc false alias IbanEx.Iban @type size() :: non_neg_integer() @type rule() :: Regex.t() @type country_code() :: <<_::16>> | atom() @type joiner() :: String.t() @callback size() :: size() @callback rule() :: rule() @callback incomplete_rule() :: rule() @callback to_string(Iban.t(), joiner()) :: String.t() @callback to_string(Iban.t()) :: String.t() defmacro __using__(_opts) do quote do alias IbanEx.Iban @behaviour IbanEx.Country.Template @impl IbanEx.Country.Template @spec to_string(Iban.t()) :: binary() @spec to_string(Iban.t(), binary()) :: binary() def to_string( %Iban{ country_code: country_code, check_digits: check_digits, bank_code: bank_code, branch_code: _branch_code, national_check: _national_check, account_number: account_number } = _iban, joiner \\ " " ) do [country_code, check_digits, bank_code, account_number] |> Enum.join(joiner) end @impl IbanEx.Country.Template @spec size() :: integer() def size(), do: @size @doc """ Return Regex for parsing complete BBAN (part of IBAN string) """ @impl IbanEx.Country.Template @spec rule() :: Regex.t() def rule(), do: @rule @doc """ Return Regex without trailing “$” for parsing incomplete BBAN (part of IBAN string) (for partial suggestions) """ @impl IbanEx.Country.Template @spec incomplete_rule() :: Regex.t() def incomplete_rule() do source = @rule |> Regex.source() |> String.slice(0..-2//1) |> String.replace("{", "{0,") opts = @rule |> Regex.opts() Regex.compile!(source, opts) end defoverridable to_string: 1, to_string: 2, size: 0, rule: 0, incomplete_rule: 0 end end end