Length checks added, validations added

This commit is contained in:
Danil Negrienko 2024-05-10 17:56:29 -04:00
parent 51c5c1d800
commit 4447a10bf2
6 changed files with 144 additions and 71 deletions

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@ -12,51 +12,57 @@ In just a few letters and numbers, the IBAN captures all of the country, bank, a
### Successfull case to parse IBAN
#### Parse string with valid formatted IBAN from supported country
{:ok, iban} = "FI2112345600000785" |> IbanEx.Parser.parse()
#### Success case responses
country_code: "FI",
check_digits: "21",
bank_code: "123456",
branch_code: nil,
national_check: "5",
account_number: "0000078"
"FI 21 123456 0000078 5"
iex> "FI2112345600000785" |> IbanEx.Parser.parse()
{:ok, %IbanEx.Iban{
country_code: "FI",
check_digits: "21",
bank_code: "123456",
branch_code: nil,
national_check: "5",
account_number: "0000078"
### Errors cases of IBAN parsing
#### Parse strings with invalid formatted IBANs from unsupported and supported countries
#### To check IBAN's country is supported
{:error, unsupported_country_code} = "AZ21NABZ00000000137010001944" |> IbanEx.Parser.parse()
IO.inspect(IbanEx.Error.message(unsupported_country_code), label: unsupported_country_code)
iex> {:error, unsupported_country_code} = IbanEx.Parser.parse("AZ21NABZ00000000137010001944")
{:error, :unsupported_country_code}
iex> IbanEx.Error.message(unsupported_country_code)
"Unsupported country code"
{:error, invalid_length_code} = "AT6119043002345732012" |> IbanEx.Parser.parse()
IO.inspect(IbanEx.Error.message(invalid_length_code), label: invalid_length_code)
#### Validate and check IBAN length
{:error, invalid_checksum} = "AT621904300234573201" |> IbanEx.Parser.parse()
IO.inspect(IbanEx.Error.message(invalid_checksum), label: invalid_checksum)
iex> {:error, invalid_length} = IbanEx.Parser.parse("AT6119043002345732012")
{:error, :invalid_length}
iex> IbanEx.Error.message(invalid_length)
"IBAN violates the required length"
#### Error cases response
iex> {:error, length_to_long} = IbanEx.Validator.check_iban_length("AT6119043002345732012")
{:error, :length_to_long}
iex> IbanEx.Error.message(length_to_long)
"IBAN longer then required length"
iex> {:error, length_to_short} = IbanEx.Validator.check_iban_length("AT61190430023457320")
{:error, :length_to_short}
iex> IbanEx.Error.message(length_to_short)
"IBAN shorter then required length"
unsupported_country_code: "Unsupported country code"
invalid_length: "IBAN violates the required length"
invalid_checksum: "IBAN's checksum is invalid"
#### Validate IBAN checksum
iex> {:error, invalid_checksum} = IbanEx.Parser.parse("AT621904300234573201")
{:error, :invalid_checksum}
iex> IbanEx.Error.message(invalid_checksum)
"IBAN's checksum is invalid"
## Installation
@ -65,7 +71,7 @@ The package can be installed by adding `iban_ex` to your list of dependencies in
def deps do
{:iban_ex, "~> 0.1.1"}
{:iban_ex, "~> 0.1.2"}

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@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Error do
| :invalid_length
| :invalid_checksum
| :can_not_parse_map
| :length_to_long
| :length_to_short
| atom()
@type errors() :: [error()]
@errors [
@ -14,15 +16,19 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Error do
@messages [
unsupported_country_code: "Unsupported country code",
invalid_format: "IBAN violates required format",
invalid_length: "IBAN violates the required length",
invalid_checksum: "IBAN's checksum is invalid",
can_not_parse_map: "Can't parse map to IBAN struct"
can_not_parse_map: "Can't parse map to IBAN struct",
length_to_long: "IBAN longer then required length",
length_to_short: "IBAN shorter then required length"
@spec message(error()) :: String.t()

View File

@ -5,26 +5,49 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Validator do
alias IbanEx.Validator.Replacements
import IbanEx.Commons, only: [normalize: 1]
defp error_accumulator(acc, error_message)
defp error_accumulator(acc, {:error, error}), do: [error | acc]
defp error_accumulator(acc, _), do: acc
defp violation_functions(),
do: [
{&__MODULE__.iban_violates_format?/1, {:error, :invalid_format}},
{&__MODULE__.iban_unsupported_country?/1, {:error, :unsupported_country_code}},
{&__MODULE__.iban_violates_length?/1, {:error, :invalid_length}},
{&__MODULE__.iban_violates_country_rule?/1, {:error, :invalid_format}},
{&__MODULE__.iban_violates_checksum?/1, {:error, :invalid_checksum}}
@doc """
Accumulate check results in the list of errors
Check iban_violates_format?, iban_unsupported_country?, iban_violates_length?, iban_violates_country_rule?, iban_violates_checksum?
@spec violations(String.t()) :: [] | [atom()]
def violations(iban) do
|> Enum.reduce([], fn {fun, value}, acc -> error_accumulator(acc, !fun.(iban) or value) end)
|> Enum.reverse()
@doc """
Make checks in this order step-by-step before first error ->
@spec validate(String.t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, Atom.t()}
def validate(iban) do
cond do
iban_violates_format?(iban) ->
{:error, :invalid_format}
iban_unsupported_country?(iban) ->
{:error, :unsupported_country_code}
iban_violates_length?(iban) ->
{:error, :invalid_length}
iban_violates_country_rule?(iban) ->
{:error, :invalid_format}
iban_violates_checksum?(iban) ->
{:error, :invalid_checksum}
true ->
{:ok, normalize(iban)}
iban_violates_format?(iban) -> {:error, :invalid_format}
iban_unsupported_country?(iban) -> {:error, :unsupported_country_code}
iban_violates_length?(iban) -> {:error, :invalid_length}
iban_violates_country_rule?(iban) -> {:error, :invalid_format}
iban_violates_checksum?(iban) -> {:error, :invalid_checksum}
true -> {:ok, normalize(iban)}
@ -37,12 +60,12 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Validator do
# - Check whether a given IBAN violates the required format.
@spec iban_violates_format?(String.t()) :: boolean
defp iban_violates_format?(iban),
def iban_violates_format?(iban),
do: Regex.match?(~r/[^A-Z0-9]/i, normalize(iban))
# - Check whether a given IBAN violates the supported countries.
@spec iban_unsupported_country?(String.t()) :: boolean
defp iban_unsupported_country?(iban) do
def iban_unsupported_country?(iban) do
supported? =
|> Parser.country_code()
@ -51,33 +74,52 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Validator do
# - Check whether a given IBAN violates the required length.
@doc "Check whether a given IBAN violates the required length."
@spec iban_violates_length?(String.t()) :: boolean
defp iban_violates_length?(iban) do
def iban_violates_length?(iban) do
with country_code <- Parser.country_code(iban),
country_module <- Country.country_module(country_code) do
country_module when is_atom(country_module) <- Country.country_module(country_code) do
size(iban) != country_module.size()
{:error, _} -> true
{:error, _error} -> true
# - Check whether a given IBAN violates the country rules.
@doc "Check length of IBAN"
@spec check_iban_length(String.t()) :: {:error, :length_to_short | :length_to_long } | :ok
def check_iban_length(iban) do
unless iban_unsupported_country?(iban) do
country_module =
|> Parser.country_code()
|> Country.country_module()
case country_module.size() - size(iban) do
diff when diff > 0 -> {:error, :length_to_short}
diff when diff < 0 -> {:error, :length_to_long}
0 -> :ok
{:error, :unsupported_country_code}
@doc "Check whether a given IBAN violates the country rules"
@spec iban_violates_country_rule?(String.t()) :: boolean
defp iban_violates_country_rule?(iban) do
def iban_violates_country_rule?(iban) do
with country_code <- Parser.country_code(iban),
bban <- Parser.bban(iban),
country_module <- Country.country_module(country_code),
country_module when is_atom(country_module) <- Country.country_module(country_code),
rule <- country_module.rule() do
!Regex.match?(rule, bban)
{:error, _} -> true
{:error, _error} -> true
# - Check whether a given IBAN violates the required checksum.
@doc "Check whether a given IBAN violates the required checksum."
@spec iban_violates_checksum?(String.t()) :: boolean
defp iban_violates_checksum?(iban) do
def iban_violates_checksum?(iban) do
check_sum_base = Parser.bban(iban) <> Parser.country_code(iban) <> "00"
replacements = Replacements.replacements()

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ defmodule IbanEx.MixProject do
use Mix.Project
@source_url "https://g.tulz.dev/opensource/iban-ex"
@version "0.1.2"
@version "0.1.3"
def project do

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
defmodule IbanExTest do
alias IbanEx.{Country, Iban, Parser}
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
doctest_file "README.md"
doctest IbanEx.Country.AT
doctest IbanEx.Country.BE
doctest IbanEx.Country.BG

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
defmodule IbanExValidatorTest do
alias IbanEx.{Validator}
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
test "check IBANs length" do
cases = [
{"FG2112345CC6000007", {:error, :unsupported_country_code}},
{"UK2112345CC6000007", {:error, :unsupported_country_code}},
{"FI2112345CC6000007", :ok},
{"FI2112345CC6000007a", {:error, :length_to_long}},
{"FI2112345CC600007", {:error, :length_to_short}}
Enum.all?(cases, fn {iban, result} ->
assert Validator.check_iban_length(iban) == result