Added first non SEPA countries

This commit is contained in:
Danil Negrienko 2024-05-14 19:15:55 -04:00
parent 4abf01b752
commit 384b9b7a39
75 changed files with 1653 additions and 170 deletions

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ In just a few letters and numbers, the IBAN captures all of the country, bank, a
#### To check IBAN's country is supported
iex> {:error, unsupported_country_code} = IbanEx.Parser.parse("AZ21NABZ00000000137010001944")
iex> {:error, unsupported_country_code} = IbanEx.Parser.parse("ZU21NABZ00000000137010001944")
{:error, :unsupported_country_code}
iex> IbanEx.Error.message(unsupported_country_code)
"Unsupported country code"
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ The package can be installed by adding `iban_ex` to your list of dependencies in
def deps do
{:iban_ex, "~> 0.1.5"}
{:iban_ex, "~> 0.1.6"}

56 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
TODO Check Regexes and add unsupported now countries
"AA" => %{length: 16, rule: ~r/^[0-9A-Z]{12}$/i},
"AO" => %{length: 25, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{21}$/i},
"AX" => %{length: 18, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{14}$/i},
"BF" => %{length: 27, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{23}$/i},
"BI" => %{length: 16, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{12}$/i},
"BJ" => %{length: 28, rule: ~r/^[A-Z]{1}[0-9]{23}$/i},
"BL" => %{length: 27, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{10}[0-9A-Z]{11}[0-9]{2}$/i},
"BY" => %{length: 28, rule: ~r/^[0-9A-Z]{4}[0-9]{4}[0-9A-Z]{16}$/i},
"CF" => %{length: 27, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{23}$/i},
"CG" => %{length: 27, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{23}$/i},
"CI" => %{length: 28, rule: ~r/^[A-Z]{1}[0-9]{23}$/i},
"CM" => %{length: 27, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{23}$/i},
"CV" => %{length: 25, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{21}$/i},
"DJ" => %{length: 27, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{23}$/i},
"DZ" => %{length: 24, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{20}$/i},
"GA" => %{length: 27, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{23}$/i},
"GF" => %{length: 27, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{10}[0-9A-Z]{11}[0-9]{2}$/i},
"GP" => %{length: 27, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{10}[0-9A-Z]{11}[0-9]{2}$/i},
"GQ" => %{length: 27, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{23}$/i},
"GW" => %{length: 25, rule: ~r/^[0-9A-Z]{2}[0-9]{19}$/i},
"HN" => %{length: 28, rule: ~r/^[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{20}$/i},
"IE" => %{length: 22, rule: ~r/^[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{14}$/i},
"IQ" => %{length: 23, rule: ~r/^[0-9A-Z]{4}[0-9]{15}$/i},
"IR" => %{length: 26, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{22}$/i},
"IS" => %{length: 26, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{22}$/i},
"KM" => %{length: 27, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{23}$/i},
"LC" => %{length: 32, rule: ~r/^[A-Z]{4}[0-9A-Z]{24}$/i},
"MA" => %{length: 28, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{24}$/i},
"MF" => %{length: 27, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{10}[0-9A-Z]{11}[0-9]{2}$/i},
"MG" => %{length: 27, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{23}$/i},
"MK" => %{length: 19, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{3}[0-9A-Z]{10}[0-9]{2}$/i},
"ML" => %{length: 28, rule: ~r/^[A-Z]{1}[0-9]{23}$/i},
"MQ" => %{length: 27, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{10}[0-9A-Z]{11}[0-9]{2}$/i},
"MU" => %{length: 30, rule: ~r/^[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{19}[A-Z]{3}$/i},
"MZ" => %{length: 25, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{21}$/i},
"NC" => %{length: 27, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{10}[0-9A-Z]{11}[0-9]{2}$/i},
"NE" => %{length: 28, rule: ~r/^[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{22}$/i},
"NI" => %{length: 32, rule: ~r/^[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{24}$/i},
"PF" => %{length: 27, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{10}[0-9A-Z]{11}[0-9]{2}$/i},
"PM" => %{length: 27, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{10}[0-9A-Z]{11}[0-9]{2}$/i},
"PS" => %{length: 29, rule: ~r/^[A-Z]{4}[0-9A-Z]{21}$/i},
"QA" => %{length: 29, rule: ~r/^[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{4}[0-9A-Z]{17}$/i},
"RE" => %{length: 27, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{10}[0-9A-Z]{11}[0-9]{2}$/i},
"SC" => %{length: 31, rule: ~r/^[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{20}[A-Z]{3}$/i},
"SN" => %{length: 28, rule: ~r/^[A-Z]{1}[0-9]{23}$/i},
"ST" => %{length: 25, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{8}[0-9]{13}$/i},
"TD" => %{length: 27, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{23}$/i},
"TF" => %{length: 27, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{10}[0-9A-Z]{11}[0-9]{2}$/i},
"TG" => %{length: 28, rule: ~r/^[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{22}$/i},
"TN" => %{length: 24, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{20}$/i},
"WF" => %{length: 27, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{10}[0-9A-Z]{11}[0-9]{2}$/i},
"YT" => %{length: 27, rule: ~r/^[0-9]{10}[0-9A-Z]{11}[0-9]{2}$/i}

View File

@ -7,42 +7,74 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country do
@type error_tuple() :: {:error, atom()}
@supported_countries %{
"AD" => IbanEx.Country.AD,
"AE" => IbanEx.Country.AE,
"AL" => IbanEx.Country.AL,
"AT" => IbanEx.Country.AT,
"AZ" => IbanEx.Country.AZ,
"BA" => IbanEx.Country.BA,
"BE" => IbanEx.Country.BE,
"BG" => IbanEx.Country.BG,
"BH" => IbanEx.Country.BH,
"BR" => IbanEx.Country.BR,
"CH" => IbanEx.Country.CH,
"CR" => IbanEx.Country.CR,
"CY" => IbanEx.Country.CY,
"CZ" => IbanEx.Country.CZ,
"DE" => IbanEx.Country.DE,
"DO" => IbanEx.Country.DO,
"DK" => IbanEx.Country.DK,
"EE" => IbanEx.Country.EE,
"ES" => IbanEx.Country.ES,
"EG" => IbanEx.Country.EG,
"FI" => IbanEx.Country.FI,
"FR" => IbanEx.Country.FR,
"FO" => IbanEx.Country.FO,
"GB" => IbanEx.Country.GB,
"GE" => IbanEx.Country.GE,
"GI" => IbanEx.Country.GI,
"GL" => IbanEx.Country.GL,
"GR" => IbanEx.Country.GR,
"GT" => IbanEx.Country.GT,
"HR" => IbanEx.Country.HR,
"HU" => IbanEx.Country.HU,
"IE" => IbanEx.Country.IE,
"IL" => IbanEx.Country.IL,
"IT" => IbanEx.Country.IT,
"JO" => IbanEx.Country.JO,
"KZ" => IbanEx.Country.KZ,
"KW" => IbanEx.Country.KW,
"LB" => IbanEx.Country.LB,
"LI" => IbanEx.Country.LI,
"LT" => IbanEx.Country.LT,
"LU" => IbanEx.Country.LU,
"LV" => IbanEx.Country.LV,
"MC" => IbanEx.Country.MC,
"MD" => IbanEx.Country.MD,
"ME" => IbanEx.Country.ME,
"MK" => IbanEx.Country.MK,
"MR" => IbanEx.Country.MR,
"MT" => IbanEx.Country.MT,
"NL" => IbanEx.Country.NL,
"NO" => IbanEx.Country.NO,
"PL" => IbanEx.Country.PL,
"PT" => IbanEx.Country.PT,
"PK" => IbanEx.Country.PK,
"QA" => IbanEx.Country.QA,
"RO" => IbanEx.Country.RO,
"RS" => IbanEx.Country.RS,
"SA" => IbanEx.Country.SA,
"SE" => IbanEx.Country.SE,
"SM" => IbanEx.Country.SM,
"SI" => IbanEx.Country.SI,
"SK" => IbanEx.Country.SK,
"SM" => IbanEx.Country.SM,
"SV" => IbanEx.Country.SV,
"TL" => IbanEx.Country.TL,
"TR" => IbanEx.Country.TR,
"UA" => IbanEx.Country.UA,
"VA" => IbanEx.Country.VA
"VA" => IbanEx.Country.VA,
"VG" => IbanEx.Country.VG,
"XK" => IbanEx.Country.XK
@supported_country_codes Map.keys(@supported_countries)
@ -57,7 +89,7 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country do
@spec supported_country_modules() :: [module()] | []
def supported_country_modules(), do: @supported_country_modules
@spec country_module(country_code) :: Module.t() | error_tuple()
@spec country_module(country_code) :: module() | error_tuple()
def country_module(country_code) when is_binary(country_code) or is_atom(country_code) do
normalized_country_code = normalize(country_code)
case is_country_code_supported?(normalized_country_code) do

lib/iban_ex/country/ad.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.AD do
@moduledoc """
Andorra IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "AD",
...> check_digits: "12",
...> bank_code: "0001",
...> branch_code: "2030",
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "200359100100"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.AD.to_string()
"AD 12 0001 2030 200359100100"
@size 24
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[0-9]{4})(?<branch_code>[0-9]{4})(?<account_number>[0-9A-Z]{12})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template
@impl IbanEx.Country.Template
@spec to_string(Iban.t()) :: binary()
@spec to_string(Iban.t(), binary()) :: binary()
def to_string(
country_code: country_code,
check_digits: check_digits,
bank_code: bank_code,
branch_code: branch_code,
national_check: _national_check,
account_number: account_number
} = _iban,
joiner \\ " "
) do
[country_code, check_digits, bank_code, branch_code, account_number]
|> Enum.join(joiner)

lib/iban_ex/country/ae.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.AE do
@moduledoc """
United Arab Emirates IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "AE",
...> check_digits: "07",
...> bank_code: "033",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "1234567890123456"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.AE.to_string()
"AE 07 033 1234567890123456"
@size 23
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[0-9]{3})(?<account_number>[0-9]{16})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template

lib/iban_ex/country/al.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.AL do
@moduledoc """
Albania IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "AL",
...> check_digits: "47",
...> bank_code: "212",
...> branch_code: "1100",
...> national_check: "9",
...> account_number: "0000000235698741"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.AL.to_string()
"AL 47 212 1100 9 0000000235698741"
@size 28
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[0-9]{3})(?<branch_code>[0-9]{4})(?<national_check>[0-9]{1})(?<account_number>[0-9A-Z]{16})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template
@impl IbanEx.Country.Template
@spec to_string(Iban.t()) :: binary()
@spec to_string(Iban.t(), binary()) :: binary()
def to_string(
country_code: country_code,
check_digits: check_digits,
bank_code: bank_code,
branch_code: branch_code,
national_check: national_check,
account_number: account_number
} = _iban,
joiner \\ " "
) do
[country_code, check_digits, bank_code, branch_code, national_check, account_number]
|> Enum.join(joiner)

lib/iban_ex/country/az.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.AZ do
@moduledoc """
Azerbaijan IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "AZ",
...> check_digits: "21",
...> bank_code: "NABZ",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "00000000137010001944"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.AZ.to_string()
"AZ 21 NABZ 00000000137010001944"
@size 28
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[A-Z]{4})(?<account_number>[0-9A-Z]{20})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template

lib/iban_ex/country/ba.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.BA do
@moduledoc """
Bosnia and Herzegovina IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "BA",
...> check_digits: "39",
...> bank_code: "129",
...> branch_code: "007",
...> national_check: "94",
...> account_number: "94010284"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.BA.to_string()
"BA 39 129 007 94010284 94"
@size 20
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[0-9]{3})(?<branch_code>[0-9]{3})(?<account_number>[0-9]{8})(?<national_check>[0-9]{2})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template
@impl IbanEx.Country.Template
@spec to_string(Iban.t()) :: binary()
@spec to_string(Iban.t(), binary()) :: binary()
def to_string(
country_code: country_code,
check_digits: check_digits,
bank_code: bank_code,
branch_code: branch_code,
national_check: national_check,
account_number: account_number
} = _iban,
joiner \\ " "
) do
[country_code, check_digits, bank_code, branch_code, account_number, national_check]
|> Enum.join(joiner)

lib/iban_ex/country/bh.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.BH do
@moduledoc """
Bahrain IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "BH",
...> check_digits: "67",
...> bank_code: "BMAG",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "00001299123456"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.BH.to_string()
"BH 67 BMAG 00001299123456"
@size 22
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[A-Z]{4})(?<account_number>[0-9]{14})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template

lib/iban_ex/country/br.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.BR do
@moduledoc """
Brazil IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "BR",
...> check_digits: "18",
...> bank_code: "00360305",
...> branch_code: "00001",
...> account_number: "0009795493",
...> national_check: "C1"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.BR.to_string()
"BR 18 00360305 00001 0009795493 C1"
@size 29
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[0-9]{8})(?<branch_code>[0-9]{5})(?<account_number>[0-9]{10})(?<national_check>[A-Z]{1}[0-9A-Z]{1})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template
@impl IbanEx.Country.Template
@spec to_string(Iban.t()) :: binary()
@spec to_string(Iban.t(), binary()) :: binary()
def to_string(
country_code: country_code,
check_digits: check_digits,
bank_code: bank_code,
branch_code: branch_code,
account_number: account_number,
national_check: national_check
} = _iban,
joiner \\ " "
) do
[country_code, check_digits, bank_code, branch_code, account_number, national_check]
|> Enum.join(joiner)

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.CH do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "CH", check_digits: "93", bank_code: "00762", branch_code: nil, national_check: nil, account_number: "011623852957"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.CH.to_string()
"CH 93 00762 011623852957"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "CH",
...> check_digits: "93",
...> bank_code: "00762",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "011623852957"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.CH.to_string()
"CH 93 00762 011623852957"
@size 21

lib/iban_ex/country/cr.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.CR do
@moduledoc """
Costa Rica IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "CR",
...> check_digits: "05",
...> bank_code: "0152",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> account_number: "02001026284066",
...> national_check: nil
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.CR.to_string()
"CR 05 0152 02001026284066"
@size 22
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[0-9]{4})(?<account_number>[0-9]{14})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.CY do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "CY", check_digits: "17", bank_code: "002", branch_code: "00128", national_check: nil, account_number: "0000001200527600"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.CY.to_string()
"CY 17 002 00128 0000001200527600"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "CY",
...> check_digits: "17",
...> bank_code: "002",
...> branch_code: "00128",
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "0000001200527600"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.CY.to_string()
"CY 17 002 00128 0000001200527600"
@size 28

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.CZ do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "CZ", check_digits: "65", bank_code: "0800", branch_code: nil, national_check: nil, account_number: "0000192000145399"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.CZ.to_string()
"CZ 65 0800 0000192000145399"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "CZ",
...> check_digits: "65",
...> bank_code: "0800",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "0000192000145399"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.CZ.to_string()
"CZ 65 0800 0000192000145399"
@size 24

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.DE do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "DE", check_digits: "89", bank_code: "37040044", branch_code: nil, national_check: nil, account_number: "0532013000"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.DE.to_string()
"DE 89 37040044 0532013000"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "DE",
...> check_digits: "89",
...> bank_code: "37040044",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "0532013000"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.DE.to_string()
"DE 89 37040044 0532013000"
@size 22

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.DK do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "DK", check_digits: "50", bank_code: "0040", branch_code: nil, national_check: nil, account_number: "0440116243"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.DK.to_string()
"DK 50 0040 0440116243"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "DK",
...> check_digits: "50",
...> bank_code: "0040",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "0440116243"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.DK.to_string()
"DK 50 0040 0440116243"
@size 18
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[0-9]{4})(?<account_number>[0-9]{10})$/i

lib/iban_ex/country/do.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.DO do
@moduledoc """
Dominican Republic IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "DO",
...> check_digits: "28",
...> bank_code: "BAGR",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "00000001212453611324"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.DO.to_string()
"DO 28 BAGR 00000001212453611324"
@size 28
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[0-9A-Z]{4})(?<account_number>[0-9]{20})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.EE do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "EE", check_digits: "38", bank_code: "22", branch_code: "00", national_check: "5", account_number: "22102014568"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.EE.to_string()
"EE 38 22 00 22102014568 5"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "EE",
...> check_digits: "38",
...> bank_code: "22",
...> branch_code: "00",
...> national_check: "5",
...> account_number: "22102014568"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.EE.to_string()
"EE 38 22 00 22102014568 5"
@size 20

lib/iban_ex/country/eg.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.EG do
@moduledoc """
Egypt IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "EG",
...> check_digits: "38",
...> bank_code: "0019",
...> branch_code: "0005",
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "00000000263180002"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.EG.to_string()
"EG 38 0019 0005 00000000263180002"
@size 29
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[0-9]{4})(?<branch_code>[0-9]{4})(?<account_number>[0-9]{17})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template
@impl IbanEx.Country.Template
@spec to_string(Iban.t()) :: binary()
@spec to_string(Iban.t(), binary()) :: binary()
def to_string(
country_code: country_code,
check_digits: check_digits,
bank_code: bank_code,
branch_code: branch_code,
national_check: _national_check,
account_number: account_number
} = _iban,
joiner \\ " "
) do
[country_code, check_digits, bank_code, branch_code, account_number]
|> Enum.join(joiner)

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.ES do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "ES", check_digits: "91", bank_code: "2100", branch_code: "0418", national_check: "45", account_number: "0200051332"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.ES.to_string()
"ES 91 2100 0418 45 0200051332"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "ES",
...> check_digits: "91",
...> bank_code: "2100",
...> branch_code: "0418",
...> national_check: "45",
...> account_number: "0200051332"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.ES.to_string()
"ES 91 2100 0418 45 0200051332"
@size 24

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.FI do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "FI", check_digits: "21", bank_code: "123456", branch_code: nil, national_check: "5", account_number: "0000078"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.FI.to_string()
"FI 21 123456 0000078 5"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "FI",
...> check_digits: "21",
...> bank_code: "123456",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: "5",
...> account_number: "0000078"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.FI.to_string()
"FI 21 123456 0000078 5"
@size 18

lib/iban_ex/country/fo.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.FO do
@moduledoc """
Faroe Islands IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "FO",
...> check_digits: "62",
...> bank_code: "6460",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: "4",
...> account_number: "000163163"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.FO.to_string()
"FO 62 6460 000163163 4"
@size 18
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[0-9]{4})(?<account_number>[0-9]{9})(?<national_check>[0-9]{1})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template
@impl IbanEx.Country.Template
@spec to_string(Iban.t()) :: binary()
@spec to_string(Iban.t(), binary()) :: binary()
def to_string(
country_code: country_code,
check_digits: check_digits,
bank_code: bank_code,
branch_code: _branch_code,
national_check: national_check,
account_number: account_number
} = _iban,
joiner \\ " "
) do
[country_code, check_digits, bank_code, account_number, national_check]
|> Enum.join(joiner)

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.FR do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "FR", check_digits: "14", bank_code: "20041", branch_code: "01005", national_check: "06", account_number: "0500013M026"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.FR.to_string()
"FR 14 20041 01005 0500013M026 06"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "FR",
...> check_digits: "14",
...> bank_code: "20041",
...> branch_code: "01005",
...> national_check: "06",
...> account_number: "0500013M026"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.FR.to_string()
"FR 14 20041 01005 0500013M026 06"
@size 27

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.GB do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "GB", check_digits: "29", bank_code: "NWBK", branch_code: "601613", national_check: "06", account_number: "31926819"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.GB.to_string()
"GB 29 NWBK 601613 31926819"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "GB",
...> check_digits: "29",
...> bank_code: "NWBK",
...> branch_code: "601613",
...> national_check: "06",
...> account_number: "31926819"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.GB.to_string()
"GB 29 NWBK 601613 31926819"
@size 22

lib/iban_ex/country/ge.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.GE do
@moduledoc """
Georgia IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "GE",
...> check_digits: "29",
...> bank_code: "NB",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "0000000101904917"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.GE.to_string()
"GE 29 NB 0000000101904917"
@size 22
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[A-Z]{2})(?<account_number>[0-9]{16})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.GI do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "GI", check_digits: "75", bank_code: "NWBK", branch_code: nil, national_check: nil, account_number: "000000007099453"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.GI.to_string()
"GI 75 NWBK 000000007099453"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "GI",
...> check_digits: "75",
...> bank_code: "NWBK",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "000000007099453"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.GI.to_string()
"GI 75 NWBK 000000007099453"
@size 23

lib/iban_ex/country/gl.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.GL do
@moduledoc """
Greenland IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "GL",
...> check_digits: "89",
...> bank_code: "6471",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "0001000206"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.GL.to_string()
"GL 89 6471 0001000206"
@size 18
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[0-9]{4})(?<account_number>[0-9]{10})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.GR do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "GR", check_digits: "16", bank_code: "011", branch_code: "0125", national_check: nil, account_number: "0000000012300695"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.GR.to_string()
"GR 16 011 0125 0000000012300695"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "GR",
...> check_digits: "16",
...> bank_code: "011",
...> branch_code: "0125",
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "0000000012300695"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.GR.to_string()
"GR 16 011 0125 0000000012300695"
@size 27

lib/iban_ex/country/gt.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.GT do
@moduledoc """
Guatemala IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "GT",
...> check_digits: "82",
...> bank_code: "TRAJ",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "01020000001210029690"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.GT.to_string()
"GT 82 TRAJ 01020000001210029690"
@size 28
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[A-Z]{4})(?<account_number>[0-9]{20})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.HR do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "HR", check_digits: "12", bank_code: "1001005", branch_code: nil, national_check: nil, account_number: "1863000160"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.HR.to_string()
"HR 12 1001005 1863000160"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "HR",
...> check_digits: "12",
...> bank_code: "1001005",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "1863000160"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.HR.to_string()
"HR 12 1001005 1863000160"
@size 21

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.HU do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "HU", check_digits: "42", bank_code: "117", branch_code: "7301", national_check: "0", account_number: "6111110180000000"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.HU.to_string()
"HU 42 117 7301 6111110180000000 0"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "HU",
...> check_digits: "42",
...> bank_code: "117",
...> branch_code: "7301",
...> national_check: "0",
...> account_number: "6111110180000000"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.HU.to_string()
"HU 42 117 7301 6111110180000000 0"
@size 28

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.IE do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "IE", check_digits: "29", bank_code: "AIBK", branch_code: "931152", national_check: nil, account_number: "12345678"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.IE.to_string()
"IE 29 AIBK 931152 12345678"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "IE",
...> check_digits: "29",
...> bank_code: "AIBK",
...> branch_code: "931152",
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "12345678"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.IE.to_string()
"IE 29 AIBK 931152 12345678"
@size 22

lib/iban_ex/country/il.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.IL do
@moduledoc """
Israel IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "IL",
...> check_digits: "62",
...> bank_code: "010",
...> branch_code: "800",
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "0000099999999"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.IL.to_string()
"IL 62 010 800 0000099999999"
@size 23
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[0-9]{3})(?<branch_code>[0-9]{3})(?<account_number>[0-9]{13})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template
@spec to_string(Iban.t()) :: binary()
@spec to_string(Iban.t(), binary()) :: binary()
def to_string(
country_code: country_code,
check_digits: check_digits,
bank_code: bank_code,
branch_code: branch_code,
national_check: _national_check,
account_number: account_number
} = _iban,
joiner \\ " "
) do
[country_code, check_digits, bank_code, branch_code, account_number]
|> Enum.join(joiner)

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.IT do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "IT", check_digits: "60", bank_code: "05428", branch_code: "11101", national_check: "X", account_number: "000000123456"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.IT.to_string()
"IT 60 X 05428 11101 000000123456"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "IT",
...> check_digits: "60",
...> bank_code: "05428",
...> branch_code: "11101",
...> national_check: "X",
...> account_number: "000000123456"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.IT.to_string()
"IT 60 X 05428 11101 000000123456"
@size 27

lib/iban_ex/country/jo.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.JO do
@moduledoc """
Jordan IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "JO",
...> check_digits: "94",
...> bank_code: "CBJO",
...> branch_code: "0010",
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "000000000131000302"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.JO.to_string()
"JO 94 CBJO 0010 000000000131000302"
@size 30
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[A-Z0-9]{4})(?<branch_code>[0-9]{4})(?<account_number>[A-Z0-9]{18})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template
@spec to_string(Iban.t()) :: binary()
@spec to_string(Iban.t(), binary()) :: binary()
def to_string(
country_code: country_code,
check_digits: check_digits,
bank_code: bank_code,
branch_code: branch_code,
national_check: _national_check,
account_number: account_number
} = _iban,
joiner \\ " "
) do
[country_code, check_digits, bank_code, branch_code, account_number]
|> Enum.join(joiner)

lib/iban_ex/country/kw.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.KW do
@moduledoc """
Kuwait IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "KW",
...> check_digits: "81",
...> bank_code: "CBKU",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "0000000000001234560101"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.KW.to_string()
"KW 81 CBKU 0000000000001234560101"
@size 30
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[A-Z0-9]{4})(?<account_number>[0-9]{22})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template

lib/iban_ex/country/kz.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.KZ do
@moduledoc """
Kazakhstan IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "KZ",
...> check_digits: "86",
...> bank_code: "125",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "KZT5004100100"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.KZ.to_string()
"KZ 86 125 KZT5004100100"
@size 20
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[0-9]{3})(?<account_number>[A-Z0-9]{13})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template

lib/iban_ex/country/lb.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.LB do
@moduledoc """
Lebanon IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "LB",
...> check_digits: "62",
...> bank_code: "0999",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "00000001001901229114"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.LB.to_string()
"LB 62 0999 00000001001901229114"
@size 28
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[0-9]{4})(?<account_number>[0-9]{20})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.LI do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "LI", check_digits: "21", bank_code: "08810", branch_code: nil, national_check: nil, account_number: "0002324013AA"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.LI.to_string()
"LI 21 08810 0002324013AA"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "LI",
...> check_digits: "21",
...> bank_code: "08810",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "0002324013AA"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.LI.to_string()
"LI 21 08810 0002324013AA"
@size 21

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.LT do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "LT", check_digits: "12", bank_code: "10000", branch_code: nil, national_check: nil, account_number: "11101001000"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.LT.to_string()
"LT 12 10000 11101001000"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "LT",
...> check_digits: "12",
...> bank_code: "10000",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "11101001000"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.LT.to_string()
"LT 12 10000 11101001000"
@size 20

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.LU do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "LU", check_digits: "28", bank_code: "001", branch_code: nil, national_check: nil, account_number: "9400644750000"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.LU.to_string()
"LU 28 001 9400644750000"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "LU",
...> check_digits: "28",
...> bank_code: "001",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "9400644750000"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.LU.to_string()
"LU 28 001 9400644750000"
@size 20

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.LV do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "LV", check_digits: "80", bank_code: "BANK", branch_code: nil, national_check: nil, account_number: "0000435195001"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.LV.to_string()
"LV 80 BANK 0000435195001"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "LV",
...> check_digits: "80",
...> bank_code: "BANK",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "0000435195001"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.LV.to_string()
"LV 80 BANK 0000435195001"
@size 21

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.MC do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "MC", check_digits: "58", bank_code: "11222", branch_code: "00001", national_check: "30", account_number: "01234567890"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.MC.to_string()
"MC 58 11222 00001 01234567890 30"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "MC",
...> check_digits: "58",
...> bank_code: "11222",
...> branch_code: "00001",
...> national_check: "30",
...> account_number: "01234567890"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.MC.to_string()
"MC 58 11222 00001 01234567890 30"
@size 27

lib/iban_ex/country/md.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.MD do
@moduledoc """
Republic of Moldova IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "MD",
...> check_digits: "24",
...> bank_code: "AG",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "000225100013104168"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.MD.to_string()
"MD 24 AG 000225100013104168"
@size 24
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[A-Z]{2})(?<account_number>[0-9]{18})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template

lib/iban_ex/country/me.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.ME do
@moduledoc """
Montenegro IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "ME",
...> check_digits: "25",
...> bank_code: "505",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: "51",
...> account_number: "0000123456789"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.ME.to_string()
"ME 25 505 0000123456789 51"
@size 22
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[0-9]{3})(?<account_number>[0-9]{13})(?<national_check>[0-9]{2})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template
@impl IbanEx.Country.Template
@spec to_string(Iban.t()) :: binary()
@spec to_string(Iban.t(), binary()) :: binary()
def to_string(
country_code: country_code,
check_digits: check_digits,
bank_code: bank_code,
branch_code: _branch_code,
national_check: national_check,
account_number: account_number
} = _iban,
joiner \\ " "
) do
[country_code, check_digits, bank_code, account_number, national_check]
|> Enum.join(joiner)

lib/iban_ex/country/mk.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.MK do
@moduledoc """
Macedonia IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "MK",
...> check_digits: "07",
...> bank_code: "250",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: "84",
...> account_number: "1200000589"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.MK.to_string()
"MK 07 250 1200000589 84"
@size 19
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[0-9]{3})(?<account_number>[0-9]{10})(?<national_check>[0-9]{2})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template
@impl IbanEx.Country.Template
@spec to_string(Iban.t()) :: binary()
@spec to_string(Iban.t(), binary()) :: binary()
def to_string(
country_code: country_code,
check_digits: check_digits,
bank_code: bank_code,
branch_code: _branch_code,
national_check: national_check,
account_number: account_number
} = _iban,
joiner \\ " "
) do
[country_code, check_digits, bank_code, account_number, national_check]
|> Enum.join(joiner)

lib/iban_ex/country/mr.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.MR do
@moduledoc """
Mauritania IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "MR",
...> check_digits: "13",
...> bank_code: "00020",
...> branch_code: "00101",
...> national_check: "53",
...> account_number: "00001234567"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.MR.to_string()
"MR 13 00020 00101 00001234567 53"
@size 27
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[0-9]{5})(?<branch_code>[0-9]{5})(?<account_number>[0-9]{11})(?<national_check>[0-9]{2})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template
@impl IbanEx.Country.Template
@spec to_string(Iban.t()) :: binary()
@spec to_string(Iban.t(), binary()) :: binary()
def to_string(
country_code: country_code,
check_digits: check_digits,
bank_code: bank_code,
branch_code: branch_code,
national_check: national_check,
account_number: account_number
} = _iban,
joiner \\ " "
) do
[country_code, check_digits, bank_code, branch_code, account_number, national_check]
|> Enum.join(joiner)

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.MT do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "MT", check_digits: "84", bank_code: "MALT", branch_code: "01100", national_check: nil, account_number: "0012345MTLCAST001S"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.MT.to_string()
"MT 84 MALT 01100 0012345MTLCAST001S"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "MT",
...> check_digits: "84",
...> bank_code: "MALT",
...> branch_code: "01100",
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "0012345MTLCAST001S"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.MT.to_string()
"MT 84 MALT 01100 0012345MTLCAST001S"
@size 31

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.NL do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "NL", check_digits: "91", bank_code: "ABNA", branch_code: nil, national_check: nil, account_number: "0417164300"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.NL.to_string()
"NL 91 ABNA 0417164300"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "NL",
...> check_digits: "91",
...> bank_code: "ABNA",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "0417164300"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.NL.to_string()
"NL 91 ABNA 0417164300"
@size 18

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.NO do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "NO", check_digits: "93", bank_code: "8601", branch_code: nil, national_check: "7", account_number: "111794"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.NO.to_string()
"NO 93 8601 111794 7"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "NO",
...> check_digits: "93",
...> bank_code: "8601",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: "7",
...> account_number: "111794"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.NO.to_string()
"NO 93 8601 111794 7"
@size 15

lib/iban_ex/country/pk.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.PK do
@moduledoc """
Pakistan IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "PK",
...> check_digits: "36",
...> bank_code: "SCBL",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "0000001123456702"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.PK.to_string()
"PK 36 SCBL 0000001123456702"
@size 24
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[A-Z]{4})(?<account_number>[0-9]{16})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.PL do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "PL", check_digits: "61", bank_code: "109", branch_code: "0101", national_check: "4", account_number: "0000071219812874"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.PL.to_string()
"PL 61 109 0101 4 0000071219812874"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "PL",
...> check_digits: "61",
...> bank_code: "109",
...> branch_code: "0101",
...> national_check: "4",
...> account_number: "0000071219812874"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.PL.to_string()
"PL 61 109 0101 4 0000071219812874"
@size 28

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.PT do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "PT", check_digits: "50", bank_code: "0002", branch_code: "0123", national_check: "54", account_number: "12345678901"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.PT.to_string()
"PT 50 0002 0123 12345678901 54"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "PT",
...> check_digits: "50",
...> bank_code: "0002",
...> branch_code: "0123",
...> national_check: "54",
...> account_number: "12345678901"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.PT.to_string()
"PT 50 0002 0123 12345678901 54"
@size 25

lib/iban_ex/country/qa.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.QA do
@moduledoc """
Qatar IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "QA",
...> check_digits: "58",
...> bank_code: "DOHB",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "00001234567890ABCDEFG"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.QA.to_string()
"QA 58 DOHB 00001234567890ABCDEFG"
@size 29
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[A-Z]{4})(?<account_number>[A-Z0-9]{21})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.RO do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "RO", check_digits: "49", bank_code: "AAAA", branch_code: nil, national_check: nil, account_number: "1B31007593840000"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.RO.to_string()
"RO 49 AAAA 1B31007593840000"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "RO",
...> check_digits: "49",
...> bank_code: "AAAA",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "1B31007593840000"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.RO.to_string()
"RO 49 AAAA 1B31007593840000"
@size 24

lib/iban_ex/country/rs.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.RS do
@moduledoc """
Serbia IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "RS",
...> check_digits: "35",
...> bank_code: "260",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: "79",
...> account_number: "0056010016113"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.RS.to_string()
"RS 35 260 0056010016113 79"
@size 22
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[0-9]{3})(?<account_number>[0-9]{13})(?<national_check>[0-9]{2})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template
@impl IbanEx.Country.Template
@spec to_string(Iban.t()) :: binary()
@spec to_string(Iban.t(), binary()) :: binary()
def to_string(
country_code: country_code,
check_digits: check_digits,
bank_code: bank_code,
branch_code: _branch_code,
national_check: national_check,
account_number: account_number
} = _iban,
joiner \\ " "
) do
[country_code, check_digits, bank_code, account_number, national_check]
|> Enum.join(joiner)

lib/iban_ex/country/sa.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.SA do
@moduledoc """
Saudi Arabia IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "SA",
...> check_digits: "03",
...> bank_code: "80",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "000000608010167519"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.SA.to_string()
"SA 03 80 000000608010167519"
@size 24
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[0-9]{2})(?<account_number>[0-9]{18})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.SE do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "SE", check_digits: "45", bank_code: "500", branch_code: nil, national_check: nil, account_number: "00000058398257466"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.SE.to_string()
"SE 45 500 00000058398257466"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "SE",
...> check_digits: "45",
...> bank_code: "500",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "00000058398257466"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.SE.to_string()
"SE 45 500 00000058398257466"
@size 24

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.SI do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "SI", check_digits: "56", bank_code: "26", branch_code: "330", national_check: "86", account_number: "00120390"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.SI.to_string()
"SI 56 26 330 00120390 86"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "SI",
...> check_digits: "56",
...> bank_code: "26",
...> branch_code: "330",
...> national_check: "86",
...> account_number: "00120390"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.SI.to_string()
"SI 56 26 330 00120390 86"
@size 19

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.SK do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "SK", check_digits: "31", bank_code: "1200", branch_code: nil, national_check: nil, account_number: "0000198742637541"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.SK.to_string()
"SK 31 1200 0000198742637541"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "SK",
...> check_digits: "31",
...> bank_code: "1200",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "0000198742637541"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.SK.to_string()
"SK 31 1200 0000198742637541"
@size 24

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.SM do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "SM", check_digits: "86", bank_code: "03225", branch_code: "09800", national_check: "U", account_number: "000000270100"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.SM.to_string()
"SM 86 U 03225 09800 000000270100"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "SM",
...> check_digits: "86",
...> bank_code: "03225",
...> branch_code: "09800",
...> national_check: "U",
...> account_number: "000000270100"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.SM.to_string()
"SM 86 U 03225 09800 000000270100"
@size 27

lib/iban_ex/country/sv.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.SV do
@moduledoc """
El Salvador IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "SV",
...> check_digits: "62",
...> bank_code: "CENR",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "00000000000000700025"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.SV.to_string()
"SV 62 CENR 00000000000000700025"
@size 28
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[A-Z0-9]{4})(?<account_number>[0-9]{20})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.Template do
@impl IbanEx.Country.Template
@spec size() :: Integer.t()
@spec size() :: integer()
def size(), do: @size
@impl IbanEx.Country.Template

lib/iban_ex/country/tl.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.TL do
@moduledoc """
Timor-Leste IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "TL",
...> check_digits: "38",
...> bank_code: "008",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: "57",
...> account_number: "00123456789101"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.TL.to_string()
"TL 38 008 00123456789101 57"
@size 23
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[0-9]{3})(?<account_number>[0-9]{14})(?<national_check>[0-9]{2})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template
@impl IbanEx.Country.Template
@spec to_string(Iban.t()) :: binary()
@spec to_string(Iban.t(), binary()) :: binary()
def to_string(
country_code: country_code,
check_digits: check_digits,
bank_code: bank_code,
branch_code: _branch_code,
national_check: national_check,
account_number: account_number
} = _iban,
joiner \\ " "
) do
[country_code, check_digits, bank_code, account_number, national_check]
|> Enum.join(joiner)

lib/iban_ex/country/tr.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.TR do
@moduledoc """
Turkey IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "TR",
...> check_digits: "33",
...> bank_code: "00061",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: "0",
...> account_number: "0519786457841326"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.TR.to_string()
"TR 33 00061 0 0519786457841326"
@size 26
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[A-Z0-9]{5})(?<national_check>[0-9]{1})(?<account_number>[0-9]{16})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template
@impl IbanEx.Country.Template
@spec to_string(Iban.t()) :: binary()
@spec to_string(Iban.t(), binary()) :: binary()
def to_string(
country_code: country_code,
check_digits: check_digits,
bank_code: bank_code,
branch_code: _branch_code,
national_check: national_check,
account_number: account_number
} = _iban,
joiner \\ " "
) do
[country_code, check_digits, bank_code, national_check, account_number]
|> Enum.join(joiner)

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.UA do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "UA", check_digits: "21", bank_code: "322313", branch_code: nil, national_check: nil, account_number: "0000026007233566001"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.UA.to_string()
"UA 21 322313 0000026007233566001"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "UA",
...> check_digits: "21",
...> bank_code: "322313",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "0000026007233566001"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.UA.to_string()
"UA 21 322313 0000026007233566001"
@size 29

View File

@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Country.VA do
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{country_code: "VA", check_digits: "59", bank_code: "001", branch_code: nil, national_check: nil, account_number: "123000012345678"}
iex> |> IbanEx.Country.VA.to_string()
"VA 59 001 123000012345678"
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "VA",
...> check_digits: "59",
...> bank_code: "001",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "123000012345678"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.VA.to_string()
"VA 59 001 123000012345678"
@size 22

lib/iban_ex/country/vg.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.VG do
@moduledoc """
British Virgin Islands IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "VG",
...> check_digits: "96",
...> bank_code: "VPVG",
...> branch_code: nil,
...> national_check: nil,
...> account_number: "0000012345678901"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.VG.to_string()
"VG 96 VPVG 0000012345678901"
@size 24
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[A-Z]{4})(?<account_number>[0-9]{16})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template

lib/iban_ex/country/xk.ex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
defmodule IbanEx.Country.XK do
@moduledoc """
Kosovo IBAN parsing rules
## Examples
iex> %IbanEx.Iban{
...> country_code: "XK",
...> check_digits: "05",
...> bank_code: "12",
...> branch_code: "12",
...> national_check: "06",
...> account_number: "0123456789"
...> }
...> |> IbanEx.Country.XK.to_string()
"XK 05 12 12 0123456789 06"
@size 20
@rule ~r/^(?<bank_code>[0-9]{2})(?<branch_code>[0-9]{2})(?<account_number>[0-9]{10})(?<national_check>[0-9]{2})$/i
use IbanEx.Country.Template
@impl IbanEx.Country.Template
@spec to_string(Iban.t()) :: binary()
@spec to_string(Iban.t(), binary()) :: binary()
def to_string(
country_code: country_code,
check_digits: check_digits,
bank_code: bank_code,
branch_code: branch_code,
national_check: national_check,
account_number: account_number
} = _iban,
joiner \\ " "
) do
[country_code, check_digits, bank_code, branch_code, account_number, national_check]
|> Enum.join(joiner)

View File

@ -1,14 +1,27 @@
defprotocol IbanEx.Deserialize do
@type iban_or_error() :: IbanEx.Iban.t() | {:error, :can_not_parse_map | atom()}
@type iban() :: IbanEx.Iban.t()
@type iban_or_error() ::
| {:invalid_checksum, binary()}
| {:invalid_format, binary()}
| {:invalid_length, binary()}
| {:can_not_parse_map, binary()}
| {:unsupported_country_code, binary()}
@spec to_iban(t()) :: iban_or_error()
def to_iban(value)
defimpl IbanEx.Deserialize, for: [BitString, String] do
alias IbanEx.{Parser, Error}
@type iban_or_error() :: IbanEx.Iban.t() | {:error, atom()}
@spec to_iban(binary()) :: iban_or_error()
@spec to_iban(String.t()) :: iban_or_error()
@type iban() :: IbanEx.Iban.t()
@type iban_or_error() ::
| {:invalid_checksum, binary()}
| {:invalid_format, binary()}
| {:invalid_length, binary()}
| {:can_not_parse_map, binary()}
| {:unsupported_country_code, binary()}
def to_iban(string) do
case Parser.parse(string) do
{:ok, iban} -> iban
@ -18,10 +31,17 @@ defimpl IbanEx.Deserialize, for: [BitString, String] do
defimpl IbanEx.Deserialize, for: Map do
alias IbanEx.Iban
@type iban_or_error() :: IbanEx.Iban.t() | {:error, :can_not_parse_map}
alias IbanEx.{Iban, Error}
@type iban() :: IbanEx.Iban.t()
@type iban_or_error() ::
| {:invalid_checksum, binary()}
| {:invalid_format, binary()}
| {:invalid_length, binary()}
| {:can_not_parse_map, binary()}
| {:unsupported_country_code, binary()}
@spec to_iban(map()) :: iban_or_error()
def to_iban(
country_code: _country_code,
@ -49,13 +69,10 @@ defimpl IbanEx.Deserialize, for: Map do
def to_iban(map) when is_map(map), do: {:error, :can_not_parse_map}
def to_iban(map) when is_map(map), do: {:can_not_parse_map, Error.message(:can_not_parse_map)}
defimpl IbanEx.Deserialize, for: List do
alias IbanEx.Iban
@type iban_or_error() :: IbanEx.Iban.t() | {:error, :can_not_parse_map}
@spec to_iban(list()) :: iban_or_error()
def to_iban(list), do: struct(Iban,

View File

@ -7,11 +7,20 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Parser do
@type iban_string() :: String.t()
@type country_code_string() :: <<_::16>>
@type check_digits_string() :: <<_::16>>
@type iban_or_error() :: IbanEx.Iban.t() | {:error, atom()}
@spec parse({:ok, String.t()} | String.t()) :: iban_or_error()
@type iban() :: IbanEx.Iban.t()
@type iban_or_error() ::
{:ok, iban()}
| {:invalid_checksum, binary()}
| {:invalid_format, binary()}
| {:invalid_length, binary()}
| {:can_not_parse_map, binary()}
| {:unsupported_country_code, binary()}
@spec parse({:ok, binary()}) :: iban_or_error()
def parse({:ok, iban_string}), do: parse(iban_string)
@spec parse(binary()) :: iban_or_error()
def parse(iban_string) do
case Validator.validate(iban_string) do
{:ok, valid_iban} ->

View File

@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Serialize do
@spec to_string(Iban.t()) :: String.t()
def to_string(iban), do: Formatter.format(iban)
@spec to_map(Iban.t()) :: Map.t()
@spec to_map(Iban.t()) :: map()
def to_map(iban), do: Map.from_struct(iban)

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Validator do
{&__MODULE__.iban_violates_format?/1, {:error, :invalid_format}},
{&__MODULE__.iban_unsupported_country?/1, {:error, :unsupported_country_code}},
{&__MODULE__.iban_violates_length?/1, {:error, :invalid_length}},
{&__MODULE__.iban_violates_country_rule?/1, {:error, :invalid_format}},
{&__MODULE__.iban_violates_country_rule?/1, {:error, :invalid_format_for_country}},
{&__MODULE__.iban_violates_checksum?/1, {:error, :invalid_checksum}}
@ -39,13 +39,21 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Validator do
@spec validate(String.t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, Atom.t()}
@type iban() :: binary()
@type iban_or_error() ::
{:ok, iban()}
| {:invalid_checksum, binary()}
| {:invalid_format, binary()}
| {:invalid_length, binary()}
| {:unsupported_country_code, binary()}
@spec validate(String.t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, atom()}
def validate(iban) do
cond do
iban_violates_format?(iban) -> {:error, :invalid_format}
iban_unsupported_country?(iban) -> {:error, :unsupported_country_code}
iban_violates_length?(iban) -> {:error, :invalid_length}
iban_violates_country_rule?(iban) -> {:error, :invalid_format}
iban_violates_country_rule?(iban) -> {:error, :invalid_format_for_country}
iban_violates_checksum?(iban) -> {:error, :invalid_checksum}
true -> {:ok, normalize(iban)}
@ -86,21 +94,23 @@ defmodule IbanEx.Validator do
@doc "Check length of IBAN"
@spec check_iban_length(String.t()) :: {:error, :length_to_short | :length_to_long } | :ok
@spec check_iban_length(String.t()) :: {:error, :length_to_short | :length_to_long} | :ok
def check_iban_length(iban) do
unless iban_unsupported_country?(iban) do
country_module =
|> Parser.country_code()
|> Country.country_module()
case iban_unsupported_country?(iban) do
true ->
{:error, :unsupported_country_code}
case country_module.size() - size(iban) do
diff when diff > 0 -> {:error, :length_to_short}
diff when diff < 0 -> {:error, :length_to_long}
0 -> :ok
{:error, :unsupported_country_code}
false ->
country_module =
|> Parser.country_code()
|> Country.country_module()
case country_module.size() - size(iban) do
diff when diff > 0 -> {:error, :length_to_short}
diff when diff < 0 -> {:error, :length_to_long}
0 -> :ok

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ defmodule IbanEx.MixProject do
use Mix.Project
@source_url ""
@version "0.1.5"
@version "0.1.6"
def project do

View File

@ -2,42 +2,74 @@ defmodule IbanExTest do
alias IbanEx.{Country, Iban, Parser}
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
doctest_file ""
doctest IbanEx.Country.AD
doctest IbanEx.Country.AE
doctest IbanEx.Country.AL
doctest IbanEx.Country.AT
doctest IbanEx.Country.AZ
doctest IbanEx.Country.BA
doctest IbanEx.Country.BE
doctest IbanEx.Country.BG
doctest IbanEx.Country.BH
doctest IbanEx.Country.BR
doctest IbanEx.Country.CH
doctest IbanEx.Country.CR
doctest IbanEx.Country.CY
doctest IbanEx.Country.CZ
doctest IbanEx.Country.DE
doctest IbanEx.Country.DK
doctest IbanEx.Country.DO
doctest IbanEx.Country.EE
doctest IbanEx.Country.EG
doctest IbanEx.Country.ES
doctest IbanEx.Country.FI
doctest IbanEx.Country.FO
doctest IbanEx.Country.FR
doctest IbanEx.Country.GB
doctest IbanEx.Country.GE
doctest IbanEx.Country.GI
doctest IbanEx.Country.GL
doctest IbanEx.Country.GR
doctest IbanEx.Country.GT
doctest IbanEx.Country.JO
doctest IbanEx.Country.HR
doctest IbanEx.Country.HU
doctest IbanEx.Country.IE
doctest IbanEx.Country.IL
doctest IbanEx.Country.IT
doctest IbanEx.Country.KZ
doctest IbanEx.Country.KW
doctest IbanEx.Country.LB
doctest IbanEx.Country.LI
doctest IbanEx.Country.LT
doctest IbanEx.Country.LU
doctest IbanEx.Country.LV
doctest IbanEx.Country.MC
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doctest IbanEx.Country.ME
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doctest IbanEx.Country.MR
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doctest IbanEx.Country.NL
doctest IbanEx.Country.NO
doctest IbanEx.Country.PK
doctest IbanEx.Country.PL
doctest IbanEx.Country.PT
doctest IbanEx.Country.QA
doctest IbanEx.Country.RO
doctest IbanEx.Country.RS
doctest IbanEx.Country.SA
doctest IbanEx.Country.SE
doctest IbanEx.Country.SM
doctest IbanEx.Country.SI
doctest IbanEx.Country.SK
doctest IbanEx.Country.SM
doctest IbanEx.Country.SV
doctest IbanEx.Country.TL
doctest IbanEx.Country.TR
doctest IbanEx.Country.UA
doctest IbanEx.Country.VA
doctest IbanEx.Country.VG
doctest IbanEx.Country.XK
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