defmodule CaptainsLogTest do use ExUnit.Case describe "random_planet_class" do @tag task_id: 1 test "it always returns one of the letters: D, H, J, K, L, M, N, R, T, Y" do planetary_classes = ["D", "H", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "R", "T", "Y"] Enum.each(0..100, fn _ -> assert CaptainsLog.random_planet_class() in planetary_classes end) end @tag task_id: 1 test "it will eventually return each of the letters at least once" do planetary_classes = ["D", "H", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "R", "T", "Y"] never_returned_planetary_classes = Enum.reduce_while(0..1000, planetary_classes, fn _, remaining_planetary_classes -> if remaining_planetary_classes == [] do {:halt, remaining_planetary_classes} else {:cont, remaining_planetary_classes -- [CaptainsLog.random_planet_class()]} end end) assert never_returned_planetary_classes == [] end end describe "random_ship_registry_number" do @tag task_id: 2 test "start with \"NCC-\"" do assert String.starts_with?(CaptainsLog.random_ship_registry_number(), "NCC-") end @tag task_id: 2 test "ends with a random integer between 1000 and 9999" do Enum.each(0..100, fn _ -> random_ship_registry_number = CaptainsLog.random_ship_registry_number() just_the_number = String.replace(random_ship_registry_number, "NCC-", "") case Integer.parse(just_the_number) do {integer, ""} -> assert integer >= 1000 assert integer <= 9999 _ -> flunk("Expected #{just_the_number} to be an integer") end end) end end describe "random_stardate" do @tag task_id: 3 test "is a float" do assert is_float(CaptainsLog.random_stardate()) end @tag task_id: 3 test "is equal to or greater than 41_000.0" do Enum.each(0..100, fn _ -> assert CaptainsLog.random_stardate() >= 41_000.0 end) end @tag task_id: 3 test "is less than 42_000.0" do Enum.each(0..100, fn _ -> assert CaptainsLog.random_stardate() < 42_000.0 end) end @tag task_id: 3 test "consecutive calls return floats with different fractional parts" do decimal_parts =, fn _ -> random_stardate = CaptainsLog.random_stardate() Float.ceil(random_stardate) - random_stardate end) assert Enum.count(Enum.uniq(decimal_parts)) > 3 end @tag task_id: 3 test "returns floats with fractional parts with more than one decimal place" do decimal_parts =, fn _ -> random_stardate = CaptainsLog.random_stardate() Float.ceil(random_stardate * 10) - random_stardate * 10 end) assert Enum.count(Enum.uniq(decimal_parts)) > 3 end end describe "format_stardate" do @tag task_id: 4 test "returns a string" do assert is_bitstring(CaptainsLog.format_stardate(41010.7)) end @tag task_id: 4 test "formats floats" do assert CaptainsLog.format_stardate(41543.3) == "41543.3" end @tag task_id: 4 test "rounds floats to one decimal place" do assert CaptainsLog.format_stardate(41032.4512) == "41032.5" end @tag task_id: 4 test "does not accept integers" do assert_raise ArgumentError, fn -> CaptainsLog.format_stardate(41411) end end end end