defmodule RPNCalculatorInspectionTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: false defmodule RPNCalculator do def unsafe_division(input) do [_, a, b] =^(\d*) (\d*) \/$/, input) String.to_integer(a) / String.to_integer(b) end end defp flush_messages() do receive do _ -> flush_messages() after 50 -> nil end end setup_all do # turning off the logger to avoid error logs spamming the output # when the functions are expected to crash Logger.configure(level: :none) end setup do # just in case, we clear the test process inbox before each test flush_messages() %{} end describe "start_reliability_check" do @tag task_id: 1 test "returns a map with test data" do calculator = fn _ -> 0 end input = "1 2 +" result = RPNCalculatorInspection.start_reliability_check(calculator, input) assert is_map(result) assert is_pid( assert result.input == input end @tag task_id: 1 test "starts a linked process" do old_value = Process.flag(:trap_exit, true) calculator = fn _ -> :timer.sleep(50) end input = "1 2 +" %{pid: pid} = RPNCalculatorInspection.start_reliability_check(calculator, input) assert pid in Keyword.get(, :links) assert_receive {:EXIT, ^pid, :normal} Process.flag(:trap_exit, old_value) end @tag task_id: 1 test "the process runs the calculator function with the given input" do caller_process_pid = self() calculator = fn input -> send(caller_process_pid, input) end input = "7 3 +" RPNCalculatorInspection.start_reliability_check(calculator, input) assert_receive ^input end end describe "await_reliability_check_result" do @tag task_id: 2 test "adds `input` => :ok to the results after a normal exit" do caller_process_pid = self() test_data = %{pid: caller_process_pid, input: "2 3 +"} check_results_so_far = %{"2 0 /" => :error} expected_result = %{"2 0 /" => :error, "2 3 +" => :ok} send(caller_process_pid, {:EXIT, caller_process_pid, :normal}) assert RPNCalculatorInspection.await_reliability_check_result( test_data, check_results_so_far ) == expected_result end @tag task_id: 2 test "adds `input` => :error to the results after an abnormal exit" do caller_process_pid = self() test_data = %{pid: caller_process_pid, input: "3 0 /"} check_results_so_far = %{"1 1 +" => :ok} expected_result = %{"1 1 +" => :ok, "3 0 /" => :error} send(caller_process_pid, {:EXIT, caller_process_pid, {%ArithmeticError{}, []}}) assert RPNCalculatorInspection.await_reliability_check_result( test_data, check_results_so_far ) == expected_result end @tag task_id: 2 test "adds `input` => :timeout to the results if no message arrives in 100ms" do caller_process_pid = self() test_data = %{pid: caller_process_pid, input: "24 12 /"} check_results_so_far = %{"3 1 +" => :ok} expected_result = %{"3 1 +" => :ok, "24 12 /" => :timeout} task = Task.async(fn -> :timer.sleep(200) # this message should arrive too late send(caller_process_pid, {:EXIT, caller_process_pid, {%ArithmeticError{}, []}}) end) assert RPNCalculatorInspection.await_reliability_check_result( test_data, check_results_so_far ) == expected_result Task.await(task) end @tag task_id: 2 test "normal exit messages from processes whose pids don't match stay in the inbox" do caller_process_pid = self() other_process_pid = spawn(fn -> nil end) test_data = %{pid: caller_process_pid, input: "5 0 /"} check_results_so_far = %{"5 0 +" => :ok} expected_result = %{"5 0 +" => :ok, "5 0 /" => :error} send(caller_process_pid, {:EXIT, other_process_pid, :normal}) send(caller_process_pid, {:EXIT, caller_process_pid, {%ArithmeticError{}, []}}) assert RPNCalculatorInspection.await_reliability_check_result( test_data, check_results_so_far ) == expected_result assert Keyword.get(, :message_queue_len) == 1 end @tag task_id: 2 test "abnormal exit messages from processes whose pids don't match stay in the inbox" do caller_process_pid = self() other_process_pid = spawn(fn -> nil end) test_data = %{pid: caller_process_pid, input: "2 2 +"} check_results_so_far = %{"0 0 /" => :error} expected_result = %{"0 0 /" => :error, "2 2 +" => :ok} send(caller_process_pid, {:EXIT, other_process_pid, {%ArithmeticError{}, []}}) send(caller_process_pid, {:EXIT, caller_process_pid, :normal}) assert RPNCalculatorInspection.await_reliability_check_result( test_data, check_results_so_far ) == expected_result assert Keyword.get(, :message_queue_len) == 1 end @tag task_id: 2 test "any other messages stay in the inbox" do caller_process_pid = self() test_data = %{pid: caller_process_pid, input: "4 2 /"} check_results_so_far = %{"4 0 /" => :error} expected_result = %{"4 0 /" => :error, "4 2 /" => :ok} send(caller_process_pid, {:exit, caller_process_pid, {%ArithmeticError{}, []}}) send(caller_process_pid, {:something_else, caller_process_pid, {%ArithmeticError{}, []}}) send(caller_process_pid, :something_else) send(caller_process_pid, {:EXIT, caller_process_pid, :normal}) assert RPNCalculatorInspection.await_reliability_check_result( test_data, check_results_so_far ) == expected_result assert Keyword.get(, :message_queue_len) == 3 end @tag task_id: 2 test "doesn't change the trap_exit flag of the caller process" do caller_process_pid = self() Process.flag(:trap_exit, false) test_data = %{pid: caller_process_pid, input: "30 3 /"} check_results_so_far = %{} expected_result = %{"30 3 /" => :ok} send(caller_process_pid, {:EXIT, caller_process_pid, :normal}) assert RPNCalculatorInspection.await_reliability_check_result( test_data, check_results_so_far ) == expected_result assert Keyword.get(, :trap_exit) == false Process.flag(:trap_exit, true) send(caller_process_pid, {:EXIT, caller_process_pid, :normal}) assert RPNCalculatorInspection.await_reliability_check_result( test_data, check_results_so_far ) == expected_result assert Keyword.get(, :trap_exit) == true end end describe "reliability_check" do @tag task_id: 3 test "returns an empty map when input list empty" do inputs = [] calculator = &RPNCalculator.unsafe_division/1 outputs = %{} assert RPNCalculatorInspection.reliability_check(calculator, inputs) == outputs end @tag task_id: 3 test "returns a map with inputs as keys and :ok as values" do inputs = ["4 2 /", "8 2 /", "6 3 /"] calculator = &RPNCalculator.unsafe_division/1 outputs = %{ "4 2 /" => :ok, "8 2 /" => :ok, "6 3 /" => :ok } assert RPNCalculatorInspection.reliability_check(calculator, inputs) == outputs end @tag task_id: 3 test "returns a map when input list has 1000 elements" do inputs =, &"#{2 * &1} #{&1} /") calculator = &RPNCalculator.unsafe_division/1 outputs = 1..1000 |>{"#{2 * &1} #{&1} /", :ok}) |> Enum.into(%{}) assert RPNCalculatorInspection.reliability_check(calculator, inputs) == outputs end @tag task_id: 3 test "returns a map when input list has 1000 elements and the calculator takes 50ms for each calculation" do inputs =, &"#{2 * &1} #{&1} /") parent_pid = self() calculator = fn input -> :timer.sleep(50) && RPNCalculator.unsafe_division(input) end Task.start_link(fn -> outputs = RPNCalculatorInspection.reliability_check(calculator, inputs) send(parent_pid, {:outputs, outputs}) end) expected = 1..1000 |>{"#{2 * &1} #{&1} /", :ok}) |> Enum.into(%{}) assert_receive( {:outputs, ^expected}, 5000, "This test shouldn't take this long to complete. Make sure to start all tasks first before awaiting them." ) end @tag task_id: 3 test "returns :error values for inputs that cause the calculator to crash" do inputs = ["3 0 /", "22 11 /", "4 0 /"] calculator = &RPNCalculator.unsafe_division/1 outputs = %{ "3 0 /" => :error, "22 11 /" => :ok, "4 0 /" => :error } assert RPNCalculatorInspection.reliability_check(calculator, inputs) == outputs end @tag task_id: 3 test "returns a map when input list has 1000 elements and all of them crash" do inputs =, &"#{2 * &1} 0 /") calculator = &RPNCalculator.unsafe_division/1 outputs = 1..1000 |>{"#{2 * &1} 0 /", :error}) |> Enum.into(%{}) assert RPNCalculatorInspection.reliability_check(calculator, inputs) == outputs end @tag task_id: 3 test "restores the original value of the trap_exit flag" do inputs = ["3 0 /", "22 11 /", "4 0 /"] calculator = &RPNCalculator.unsafe_division/1 outputs = %{ "3 0 /" => :error, "22 11 /" => :ok, "4 0 /" => :error } Process.flag(:trap_exit, false) assert RPNCalculatorInspection.reliability_check(calculator, inputs) == outputs assert Keyword.get(, :trap_exit) == false Process.flag(:trap_exit, true) assert RPNCalculatorInspection.reliability_check(calculator, inputs) == outputs assert Keyword.get(, :trap_exit) == true end end describe "correctness_check" do @tag task_id: 4 test "returns an empty list when input list empty" do inputs = [] calculator = &RPNCalculator.unsafe_division/1 outputs = [] assert RPNCalculatorInspection.correctness_check(calculator, inputs) == outputs end @tag task_id: 4 test "returns a list of results" do inputs = ["3 2 /", "4 2 /", "5 2 /"] calculator = &RPNCalculator.unsafe_division/1 outputs = [1.5, 2, 2.5] assert RPNCalculatorInspection.correctness_check(calculator, inputs) == outputs end @tag task_id: 4 test "returns a list of results when input list has 1000 elements" do inputs =, &"100 #{&1} /") calculator = &RPNCalculator.unsafe_division/1 outputs =, &(100 / &1)) assert RPNCalculatorInspection.correctness_check(calculator, inputs) == outputs end @tag task_id: 4 test "returns a list of results when input list has 1000 elements and the calculator takes 50ms for each calculation" do inputs =, &"100 #{&1} /") parent_pid = self() calculator = fn input -> :timer.sleep(50) && RPNCalculator.unsafe_division(input) end Task.start_link(fn -> outputs = RPNCalculatorInspection.correctness_check(calculator, inputs) send(parent_pid, {:outputs, outputs}) end) expected =, &(100 / &1)) assert_receive( {:outputs, ^expected}, 5000, "This test shouldn't take this long to complete. Make sure to start all tasks first before awaiting them." ) end @tag task_id: 4 test "awaits a single task for 100ms" do inputs = ["1 1 /1"] calculator = fn _ -> :timer.sleep(500) end Process.flag(:trap_exit, true) pid = spawn_link(fn -> RPNCalculatorInspection.correctness_check(calculator, inputs) end) assert_receive {:EXIT, ^pid, {:timeout, {Task, task_fn, [_task, 100]}}} when task_fn in [:await, :await_many], 150, "expected to receive a timemout message from Task.await/2 or Task.await_many/2" Process.flag(:trap_exit, false) end end end