# Hints ## General - Read about keyword lists in the official [Getting Started guide][getting-started-keyword-lists]. - Read about keyword lists on [elixirschool.com][elixir-school-keyword-lists]. - Take a look at the [documentation of the `Keyword` module][keyword]. ## 1. Explain wine colors - You need to write the information given in the table as a keyword list. - Take a look at some [examples][keyword-examples] of how to define a keyword list. ## 2. Get all wines of a given color - There is a [built-in function][keyword-get-values] for getting the list of all values for a given key. ## 3. Get all wines of a given color bottled in a given year - There is a [built-in function][keyword-get] for getting a single value for a given key. - You do not need to implement the filtering of bottles on your own. You just need to conditionally use the already-implemented `filter_by_year/2` function. ## 4. Get all wines of a given color bottled in a given country - There is a [built-in function][keyword-get] for getting a single value for a given key. - You do not need to implement the filtering of bottles on your own. You just need to conditionally use the already-implemented `filter_by_country/2` function. [getting-started-keyword-lists]: https://elixir-lang.org/getting-started/keywords-and-maps.html#keyword-lists [elixir-school-keyword-lists]: https://elixirschool.com/en/lessons/basics/collections/#keyword-lists [keyword]: https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Keyword.html [keyword-get-values]: https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Keyword.html#get_values/2 [keyword-get]: https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Keyword.html#get/3 [keyword-examples]: https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Keyword.html#module-examples