defmodule BinarySearch do @doc """ Searches for a key in the tuple using the binary search algorithm. It returns :not_found if the key is not in the tuple. Otherwise returns {:ok, index}. ## Examples iex>{}, 2) :not_found iex>{1, 3, 5}, 2) :not_found iex>{1, 3, 5}, 5) {:ok, 2} """ @spec search(tuple, integer) :: {:ok, integer} | :not_found def search({}, _value), do: :not_found def search(numbers, value), do: do_search(numbers, value, 0, tuple_size(numbers) - 1) defp do_search(_numbers, _value, from, to) when from > to, do: :not_found defp do_search(numbers, value, from, to) do middle = div(from + to, 2) element = elem(numbers, middle) cond do value == element -> {:ok, middle} value < element -> do_search(numbers, value, from, middle - 1) value > element -> do_search(numbers, value, middle + 1, to) end end end