defmodule DancingDots.AnimationTest do use ExUnit.Case import ExUnit.CaptureIO describe "Animation module" do @tag task_id: 1 test "defines two required callbacks, init/1 and handle_frame/3" do assert DancingDots.Animation.behaviour_info(:callbacks) == [{:init, 1}, {:handle_frame, 3}] end @tag task_id: 1 test "defines no optional callbacks" do assert DancingDots.Animation.behaviour_info(:optional_callbacks) == [] end @tag task_id: 2 test "defines a __using__ macro" do Code.ensure_loaded(DancingDots.Animation) assert macro_exported?(DancingDots.Animation, :__using__, 1) end @tag task_id: 2 test "__using__ provides a default implementation of init/1" do defmodule TestAnimation1 do use DancingDots.Animation def handle_frame(dot, _frame_number, _opts), do: dot end assert function_exported?(TestAnimation1, :init, 1) end @tag task_id: 2 test "the default implementation of init/1 returns opts unchanged" do defmodule TestAnimation2 do use DancingDots.Animation def handle_frame(dot, _frame_number, _opts), do: dot end assert TestAnimation2.init([]) == {:ok, []} assert TestAnimation2.init(:anything) == {:ok, :anything} assert TestAnimation2.init({1, 2, 3}) == {:ok, {1, 2, 3}} end @tag task_id: 2 test "the default implementation of init/1 can be overridden" do defmodule TestAnimation3 do use DancingDots.Animation def init(_), do: {:ok, []} def handle_frame(dot, _frame_number, _opts), do: dot end assert TestAnimation3.init(3) == {:ok, []} assert TestAnimation3.init(:anything) == {:ok, []} end @tag task_id: 2 test "__using__ does not provide a default implementation of handle_frame/3" do capture_io(:stderr, fn -> Code.compile_quoted do quote do defmodule TestAnimation4 do use DancingDots.Animation end end end end) refute function_exported?(TestAnimation4, :handle_frame, 3) end @tag task_id: 2 test "__using__ sets Animation as the behaviour, emitting compilation warnings about missing callbacks" do compilation_warnings = capture_io(:stderr, fn -> Code.compile_quoted do quote do defmodule TestAnimation5 do use DancingDots.Animation end end end end) assert compilation_warnings =~ "function handle_frame/3 required by behaviour DancingDots.Animation is not implemented" end end describe "Flicker module" do @tag task_id: 3 test "implements Animation behaviour" do Code.ensure_loaded(DancingDots.Flicker) assert function_exported?(DancingDots.Flicker, :init, 1) assert function_exported?(DancingDots.Flicker, :handle_frame, 3) end @tag task_id: 3 test "uses the default init/1 implementation" do assert DancingDots.Flicker.init([]) == {:ok, []} assert DancingDots.Flicker.init(:anything) == {:ok, :anything} assert DancingDots.Flicker.init({1, 2, 3}) == {:ok, {1, 2, 3}} end @tag task_id: 3 test "every 4th frame, handle_frame/3 sets the dot's opacity to half the original value" do dot1 = %DancingDots.Dot{x: 10, y: 30, radius: 4, opacity: 1} dot2 = %DancingDots.Dot{x: 0, y: 0, radius: 10, opacity: 0.6} assert DancingDots.Flicker.handle_frame(dot1, 1, []) == %{dot1 | opacity: 1} assert DancingDots.Flicker.handle_frame(dot1, 2, []) == %{dot1 | opacity: 1} assert DancingDots.Flicker.handle_frame(dot1, 3, []) == %{dot1 | opacity: 1} assert DancingDots.Flicker.handle_frame(dot1, 4, []) == %{dot1 | opacity: 0.5} assert DancingDots.Flicker.handle_frame(dot1, 5, []) == %{dot1 | opacity: 1} assert DancingDots.Flicker.handle_frame(dot1, 6, []) == %{dot1 | opacity: 1} assert DancingDots.Flicker.handle_frame(dot1, 7, []) == %{dot1 | opacity: 1} assert DancingDots.Flicker.handle_frame(dot1, 8, []) == %{dot1 | opacity: 0.5} assert DancingDots.Flicker.handle_frame(dot2, 13, []) == %{dot2 | opacity: 0.6} assert DancingDots.Flicker.handle_frame(dot2, 14, []) == %{dot2 | opacity: 0.6} assert DancingDots.Flicker.handle_frame(dot2, 15, []) == %{dot2 | opacity: 0.6} assert DancingDots.Flicker.handle_frame(dot2, 16, []) == %{dot2 | opacity: 0.3} assert DancingDots.Flicker.handle_frame(dot2, 17, []) == %{dot2 | opacity: 0.6} assert DancingDots.Flicker.handle_frame(dot2, 18, []) == %{dot2 | opacity: 0.6} assert DancingDots.Flicker.handle_frame(dot2, 19, []) == %{dot2 | opacity: 0.6} assert DancingDots.Flicker.handle_frame(dot2, 20, []) == %{dot2 | opacity: 0.3} end @tag task_id: 3 test "can be used in a dot group" do dot1 = %DancingDots.Dot{x: 44, y: 44, radius: 2, opacity: 0.8} dot2 = %DancingDots.Dot{x: 0, y: 0, radius: 3, opacity: 0.5} {:ok, dot_group} =[dot1, dot2]) |> DancingDots.DotGroup.add_animation(DancingDots.Flicker, []) assert dot_group == %DancingDots.DotGroup{ animations_with_opts: [{DancingDots.Flicker, []}], dots: [dot1, dot2] } assert DancingDots.DotGroup.render_dots(dot_group, 4) == [ %{dot1 | opacity: 0.4}, %{dot2 | opacity: 0.25} ] end end describe "Zoom module" do @tag task_id: 4 test "implements Animation behaviour" do Code.ensure_loaded(DancingDots.Zoom) assert function_exported?(DancingDots.Zoom, :init, 1) assert function_exported?(DancingDots.Zoom, :handle_frame, 3) end @tag task_id: 4 test "has a custom init/1 implementation that checks that a valid velocity was passed as an option" do assert DancingDots.Zoom.init(velocity: 10) == {:ok, [velocity: 10]} assert DancingDots.Zoom.init([]) == {:error, "The :velocity option is required, and its value must be a number. Got: nil"} assert DancingDots.Zoom.init(velocity: "7") == {:error, "The :velocity option is required, and its value must be a number. Got: \"7\""} end @tag task_id: 4 test "the first frame, handle_frame/3 returns the dot unchanged" do dot = %DancingDots.Dot{x: 90, y: 90, radius: 100, opacity: 0.5} assert DancingDots.Zoom.handle_frame(dot, 1, velocity: 3) == dot assert DancingDots.Zoom.handle_frame(dot, 1, velocity: 30) == dot assert DancingDots.Zoom.handle_frame(dot, 1, velocity: -7) == dot end @tag task_id: 4 test "every frame after the first, handle_frame/3 grows the dot's radius by the given positive velocity" do dot = %DancingDots.Dot{x: 90, y: 90, radius: 100, opacity: 0.5} assert DancingDots.Zoom.handle_frame(dot, 1, velocity: 3) == %{dot | radius: 100} assert DancingDots.Zoom.handle_frame(dot, 2, velocity: 3) == %{dot | radius: 103} assert DancingDots.Zoom.handle_frame(dot, 3, velocity: 3) == %{dot | radius: 106} assert DancingDots.Zoom.handle_frame(dot, 101, velocity: 3) == %{dot | radius: 400} end @tag task_id: 4 test "every frame after the first, handle_frame/3 shrinks the dot's radius by the given negative velocity" do dot = %DancingDots.Dot{x: 100, y: 0, radius: 400, opacity: 0.9} assert DancingDots.Zoom.handle_frame(dot, 1, velocity: -1) == %{dot | radius: 400} assert DancingDots.Zoom.handle_frame(dot, 2, velocity: -1) == %{dot | radius: 399} assert DancingDots.Zoom.handle_frame(dot, 3, velocity: -1) == %{dot | radius: 398} assert DancingDots.Zoom.handle_frame(dot, 101, velocity: -1) == %{dot | radius: 300} end @tag task_id: 4 test "can be used in a dot group" do dot1 = %DancingDots.Dot{x: 0, y: 0, radius: 100, opacity: 0.3} dot2 = %DancingDots.Dot{x: 0, y: 0, radius: 150, opacity: 0.3} {:ok, dot_group} =[dot1, dot2]) |> DancingDots.DotGroup.add_animation(DancingDots.Zoom, velocity: 10) assert dot_group == %DancingDots.DotGroup{ animations_with_opts: [{DancingDots.Zoom, [velocity: 10]}], dots: [dot1, dot2] } assert DancingDots.DotGroup.render_dots(dot_group, 50) == [ %{dot1 | radius: 590}, %{dot2 | radius: 640} ] end end end