defmodule DancingDots.DotGroup do # This module is an example of how behaviours can be used in practice. # You don't need to read it to solve this exercise. # It's here for the curious :) @moduledoc """ Allows applying a list of one or more animations to a group of one or more dots. """ defstruct [:dots, :animations_with_opts] @type t :: %__MODULE__{} @doc """ Creates a new dot group with given dots and an empty list of animations. """ @spec new([DancingDots.Dot.t()]) :: t() def new(dots) do %__MODULE__{ dots: dots, animations_with_opts: [] } end @doc """ Validates the given animation module with its given options and adds it to the group. """ @spec add_animation(t(), module, DancingDots.Animation.opts()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, DancingDots.Animation.error()} def add_animation(dot_group, animation_module, opts) do # using Animation's init/1 callback init_result = animation_module.init(opts) case init_result do {:ok, opts} -> animations_with_opts = [{animation_module, opts} | dot_group.animations_with_opts] dot_group = %{dot_group | animations_with_opts: animations_with_opts} {:ok, dot_group} {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end end @doc """ Applies the list of animations to all the dots. """ @spec render_dots(t(), DancingDots.Animation.frame_number()) :: [DancingDots.Dot.t()] def render_dots(dot_group, frame_number) do %{ dots: dots, animations_with_opts: animations_with_opts } = dot_group, fn dot -> Enum.reduce(animations_with_opts, dot, fn {animation_module, opts}, acc -> # using Animation's handle_frame/3 callback animation_module.handle_frame(acc, frame_number, opts) end) end) end end