defmodule SimpleCipher do @chars ?a..?z defguardp is_char(char) when char in @chars defguardp is_sign(sign) when sign in [-1, 1] defp cipher(text, key) do length = String.length(text) times = div(length, String.length(key)) + 1 key |> Kernel.to_charlist() |> - ?a)) |> List.duplicate(times) |> List.flatten() |> Enum.take(length) end defp rotate(text, key, sign) when is_binary(text) and is_sign(sign) do cipher = cipher(text, key) text |> Kernel.to_charlist() |> Enum.with_index(fn element, index -> rotate(element,, index), sign) end) |> Kernel.to_string() end defp rotate(char, shift, sign) when is_sign(sign) and is_char(char) and is_char(char + sign * shift), do: char + sign * shift defp rotate(char, shift, sign) when is_sign(sign) and is_char(char), do: char + sign * shift - sign * 26 @doc """ Given a `plaintext` and `key`, encode each character of the `plaintext` by shifting it by the corresponding letter in the alphabet shifted by the number of letters represented by the `key` character, repeating the `key` if it is shorter than the `plaintext`. For example, for the letter 'd', the alphabet is rotated to become: defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabc You would encode the `plaintext` by taking the current letter and mapping it to the letter in the same position in this rotated alphabet. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabc "a" becomes "d", "t" becomes "w", etc... Each letter in the `plaintext` will be encoded with the alphabet of the `key` character in the same position. If the `key` is shorter than the `plaintext`, repeat the `key`. Example: plaintext = "testing" key = "abc" The key should repeat to become the same length as the text, becoming "abcabca". If the key is longer than the text, only use as many letters of it as are necessary. """ def encode(plaintext, key), do: rotate(plaintext, key, 1) @doc """ Given a `ciphertext` and `key`, decode each character of the `ciphertext` by finding the corresponding letter in the alphabet shifted by the number of letters represented by the `key` character, repeating the `key` if it is shorter than the `ciphertext`. The same rules for key length and shifted alphabets apply as in `encode/2`, but you will go the opposite way, so "d" becomes "a", "w" becomes "t", etc..., depending on how much you shift the alphabet. """ def decode(ciphertext, key), do: rotate(ciphertext, key, -1) @doc """ Generate a random key of a given length. It should contain lowercase letters only. """ def generate_key(length) do 1..length |> _i -> Enum.random(@chars) end) |> to_string() end end