defmodule SumOfMultiples do @doc """ Adds up all numbers from 1 to a given end number that are multiples of the factors provided. """ @spec to(non_neg_integer, [non_neg_integer]) :: non_neg_integer def to(limit, factors) do for x <- 1..(limit - 1), Enum.any?(factors, &(&1 != 0 && rem(x, &1) == 0 )), reduce: 0 do acc -> IO.inspect(acc) x + acc end end # def to(limit, factors) do # factors # |> Enum.flat_map(&multipliers(&1, limit)) # |> Enum.uniq() # |> Enum.sum() # end # defp multipliers(from, to) when from <= to and rem(to, from) == 0, do: Enum.take_every(from..(to - 1), from) # defp multipliers(from, to) when from <= to, do: Enum.take_every(, from) # defp multipliers(_from, _to), do: [] end