defmodule RPG.CharacterSheetTest do use ExUnit.Case import ExUnit.CaptureIO describe "welcome/0" do @tag task_id: 1 test "it prints a welcome message" do io = capture_io(fn -> assert RPG.CharacterSheet.welcome() == :ok end) assert io == "Welcome! Let's fill out your character sheet together.\n" end end describe "ask_name/0" do @tag task_id: 2 test "it prints a prompt" do io = capture_io("\n", fn -> RPG.CharacterSheet.ask_name() end) assert io == "What is your character's name?\n" end @tag task_id: 2 test "returns the trimmed input" do capture_io("Maxwell The Great\n", fn -> assert RPG.CharacterSheet.ask_name() == "Maxwell The Great" end) end end describe "ask_class/0" do @tag task_id: 3 test "it prints a prompt" do io = capture_io("\n", fn -> RPG.CharacterSheet.ask_class() end) assert io == "What is your character's class?\n" end @tag task_id: 3 test "returns the trimmed input" do capture_io("rogue\n", fn -> assert RPG.CharacterSheet.ask_class() == "rogue" end) end end describe "ask_level/0" do @tag task_id: 4 test "it prints a prompt" do io = capture_io("1\n", fn -> RPG.CharacterSheet.ask_level() end) assert io == "What is your character's level?\n" end @tag task_id: 4 test "returns the trimmed input as an integer" do capture_io("3\n", fn -> assert RPG.CharacterSheet.ask_level() == 3 end) end end describe "run/0" do @tag task_id: 5 test "it asks for name, class, and level" do io = capture_io("Susan The Fearless\nfighter\n6\n", fn -> end) assert io =~ """ Welcome! Let's fill out your character sheet together. What is your character's name? What is your character's class? What is your character's level? """ end @tag task_id: 5 test "it returns a character map" do capture_io("The Stranger\nrogue\n2\n", fn -> assert == %{ name: "The Stranger", class: "rogue", level: 2 } end) end @tag task_id: 5 test "it only has a single colon and single space after the 'Your character' label" do io = capture_io("Anne\nhealer\n4\n", fn -> end) case*(Your character.*)%{/, io) do [_, label] -> assert label == "Your character: " _ -> nil end end @tag task_id: 5 test "it inspects the character map" do io = capture_io("Anne\nhealer\n4\n", fn -> end) assert io =~ "\nYour character: " <> inspect(%{ name: "Anne", class: "healer", level: 4 }) end end end