# Hints ## General - Read about `if` in the official [Getting Started guide][getting-started-if-unless] or on [elixirschool.com][elixirschool-if-unless]. ## 1. Print a badge for an employee - This is a base case where we can assume that none of the input data is `nil`. - If you need to refresh your memory about working with strings, read about them in the official [Getting Started guide][getting-started-basic-strings]. ## 2. Print a badge for a new employee - Strings are always _truthy_ and `nil` is _falsy_. - There is a [macro][kernel-if] that returns one of the two options, depending of whether it was given a _truthy_ or a _falsy_ value. ## 3. Print a badge for the owner - Strings are always _truthy_ and `nil` is _falsy_. - There is a [macro][kernel-if] that returns one of the two options, depending of whether it was given a _truthy_ or a _falsy_ value. [kernel-if]: https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Kernel.html#if/2 [getting-started-basic-strings]: https://elixir-lang.org/getting-started/basic-types.html#strings [getting-started-if-unless]: https://elixir-lang.org/getting-started/case-cond-and-if.html#if-and-unless [elixir-school-if-unless]: https://elixirschool.com/en/lessons/basics/control-structures/#if-and-unless