defmodule HighScoreTest do use ExUnit.Case # Trivia: Scores used in this test suite are based on lines of code # added to the elixir-lang/elixir github repository as of Apr 27, 2020. @tag task_id: 1 test "new/1 result in empty score map" do assert == %{} end describe "add_player/2" do @tag task_id: 2 test "add player without score to empty score map" do scores = assert HighScore.add_player(scores, "José Valim") == %{"José Valim" => 0} end @tag task_id: 2 test "add two players without score to empty map" do scores = |> HighScore.add_player("José Valim") |> HighScore.add_player("Chris McCord") assert scores == %{"Chris McCord" => 0, "José Valim" => 0} end @tag task_id: 2 test "add player with score to empty score map" do scores = |> HighScore.add_player("José Valim", 486_373) assert scores == %{"José Valim" => 486_373} end @tag task_id: 2 test "add players with scores to empty score map" do scores = |> HighScore.add_player("José Valim", 486_373) |> HighScore.add_player("Dave Thomas", 2_374) assert scores == %{"José Valim" => 486_373, "Dave Thomas" => 2_374} end end describe "remove_player/2" do @tag task_id: 3 test "remove from empty score map results in empty score map" do scores = |> HighScore.remove_player("José Valim") assert scores == %{} end @tag task_id: 3 test "remove player after adding results in empty score map" do map = |> HighScore.add_player("José Valim") |> HighScore.remove_player("José Valim") assert map == %{} end @tag task_id: 3 test "remove first player after adding two results in map with remaining player" do scores = |> HighScore.add_player("José Valim") |> HighScore.add_player("Chris McCord") |> HighScore.remove_player("José Valim") assert scores == %{"Chris McCord" => 0} end @tag task_id: 3 test "remove second player after adding two results in map with remaining player" do scores = |> HighScore.add_player("José Valim") |> HighScore.add_player("Chris McCord") |> HighScore.remove_player("Chris McCord") assert scores == %{"José Valim" => 0} end end describe "reset_score/2" do @tag task_id: 4 test "resetting score for non-existent player sets player score to 0" do scores = |> HighScore.reset_score("José Valim") assert scores == %{"José Valim" => 0} end @tag task_id: 4 test "resetting score for existing player sets previous player score to 0" do scores = |> HighScore.add_player("José Valim", 486_373) |> HighScore.reset_score("José Valim") assert scores == %{"José Valim" => 0} end end describe "update_score/3" do @tag task_id: 5 test "update score for non existent player initializes value" do scores = |> HighScore.update_score("José Valim", 486_373) assert scores == %{"José Valim" => 486_373} end @tag task_id: 5 test "update score for existing player adds score to previous" do scores = |> HighScore.add_player("José Valim") |> HighScore.update_score("José Valim", 486_373) assert scores == %{"José Valim" => 486_373} end @tag task_id: 5 test "update score for existing player with non-zero score adds score to previous" do scores = |> HighScore.add_player("José Valim") |> HighScore.update_score("José Valim", 1) |> HighScore.update_score("José Valim", 486_373) assert scores == %{"José Valim" => 486_374} end end describe "get_players/1" do @tag task_id: 6 test "empty score map gives empty list" do scores_by_player = |> HighScore.get_players() assert scores_by_player == [] end @tag task_id: 6 test "score map with one entry gives one result" do players = |> HighScore.add_player("José Valim") |> HighScore.update_score("José Valim", 486_373) |> HighScore.get_players() assert players == ["José Valim"] end @tag task_id: 6 test "score map with multiple entries gives results in unknown order" do players = |> HighScore.add_player("José Valim", 486_373) |> HighScore.add_player("Dave Thomas", 2_374) |> HighScore.add_player("Chris McCord", 0) |> HighScore.add_player("Saša Jurić", 762) |> HighScore.get_players() |> Enum.sort() assert players == [ "Chris McCord", "Dave Thomas", "José Valim", "Saša Jurić" ] end end end