# Grade School Welcome to Grade School on Exercism's Elixir Track. If you need help running the tests or submitting your code, check out `HELP.md`. ## Instructions Given students' names along with the grade that they are in, create a roster for the school. In the end, you should be able to: - Add a student's name to the roster for a grade - "Add Jim to grade 2." - "OK." - Get a list of all students enrolled in a grade - "Which students are in grade 2?" - "We've only got Jim just now." - Get a sorted list of all students in all grades. Grades should sort as 1, 2, 3, etc., and students within a grade should be sorted alphabetically by name. - "Who all is enrolled in school right now?" - "Let me think. We have Anna, Barb, and Charlie in grade 1, Alex, Peter, and Zoe in grade 2 and Jim in grade 5. So the answer is: Anna, Barb, Charlie, Alex, Peter, Zoe and Jim" Note that all our students only have one name (It's a small town, what do you want?) and each student cannot be added more than once to a grade or the roster. In fact, when a test attempts to add the same student more than once, your implementation should indicate that this is incorrect. ## Source ### Created by - @rubysolo ### Contributed to by - @andrewsardone - @angelikatyborska - @bartj3 - @Cohen-Carlisle - @dalexj - @devonestes - @drueck - @elasticdog - @jiegillet - @jinyeow - @kytrinyx - @lpil - @neenjaw - @parkerl - @petehuang - @pminten - @sotojuan - @Teapane - @veelenga - @victorlcampos - @waiting-for-dev ### Based on A pairing session with Phil Battos at gSchool