defmodule DartsTest do use ExUnit.Case # @tag :pending test "Missed target" do assert Darts.score({-9, 9}) == 0 end # @tag :pending test "On the outer circle" do assert Darts.score({0, 10}) == 1 end # @tag :pending test "On the middle circle" do assert Darts.score({-5, 0}) == 5 end # @tag :pending test "On the inner circle" do assert Darts.score({0, -1}) == 10 end # @tag :pending test "Exactly on centre" do assert Darts.score({0, 0}) == 10 end # @tag :pending test "Near the centre" do assert Darts.score({-0.1, -0.1}) == 10 end # @tag :pending test "Just within the inner circle" do assert Darts.score({0.7, 0.7}) == 10 end # @tag :pending test "Just outside the inner circle" do assert Darts.score({0.8, -0.8}) == 5 end # @tag :pending test "Just within the middle circle" do assert Darts.score({-3.5, 3.5}) == 5 end # @tag :pending test "Just outside the middle circle" do assert Darts.score({-3.6, -3.6}) == 1 end # @tag :pending test "Just within the outer circle" do assert Darts.score({-7.0, 7.0}) == 1 end # @tag :pending test "Just outside the outer circle" do assert Darts.score({7.1, -7.1}) == 0 end # @tag :pending test "Asymmetric position between the inner and middle circles" do assert Darts.score({0.5, -4}) == 5 end end