defmodule CryptoSquareTest do use ExUnit.Case # @tag :pending test "empty plaintext results in an empty ciphertext" do assert CryptoSquare.encode("") == "" end @tag :pending test "normalization results in empty plaintext" do assert CryptoSquare.encode("... --- ...") == "" end @tag :pending test "lowercase" do assert CryptoSquare.encode("A") == "a" end @tag :pending test "remove spaces" do assert CryptoSquare.encode(" b ") == "b" end @tag :pending test "remove punctuation" do assert CryptoSquare.encode("@1,%!") == "1" end @tag :pending test "9 character plaintext results in 3 chunks of 3 characters" do assert CryptoSquare.encode("This is fun!") == "tsf hiu isn" end @tag :pending test "8 character plaintext results in 3 chunks, the last one with a trailing space" do assert CryptoSquare.encode("Chill out.") == "clu hlt io " end @tag :pending test "54 character plaintext results in 7 chunks, the last two with trailing spaces" do msg = "If man was meant to stay on the ground, god would have given us roots." cipher = "imtgdvs fearwer mayoogo anouuio ntnnlvt wttddes aohghn sseoau " assert CryptoSquare.encode(msg) == cipher end end