defmodule CommunityGardenTest do use ExUnit.Case @tag task_id: 1 test "start returns an alive pid" do assert {:ok, pid} = CommunityGarden.start() assert Process.alive?(pid) end @tag task_id: 2 test "when started, the registry is empty" do assert {:ok, pid} = CommunityGarden.start() assert [] == CommunityGarden.list_registrations(pid) end @tag task_id: 3 test "can register a new plot" do assert {:ok, pid} = CommunityGarden.start() assert %Plot{} = CommunityGarden.register(pid, "Johnny Appleseed") end @tag task_id: 3 test "maintains a registry of plots" do assert {:ok, pid} = CommunityGarden.start() assert %Plot{} = plot = CommunityGarden.register(pid, "Johnny Appleseed") assert [plot] == CommunityGarden.list_registrations(pid) end @tag task_id: 3 test "the first plot has an id of 1" do assert {:ok, pid} = CommunityGarden.start() plot = CommunityGarden.register(pid, "Johnny Appleseed") assert plot.plot_id == 1 end @tag task_id: 3 test "registered plots have incremental unique id" do assert {:ok, pid} = CommunityGarden.start() plot_1 = CommunityGarden.register(pid, "Johnny Appleseed") plot_2 = CommunityGarden.register(pid, "Frederick Law Olmsted") plot_3 = CommunityGarden.register(pid, "Lancelot (Capability) Brown") assert plot_1.plot_id == 1 assert plot_2.plot_id == 2 assert plot_3.plot_id == 3 end @tag task_id: 3 test "registered plots have incremental unique id when registered concurrently" do {:ok, pid} = CommunityGarden.start() total_plots = 20 test_process_pid = self() Enum.each(1..total_plots, fn n -> spawn(fn -> plot = CommunityGarden.register(pid, "Mary Bumblebee #{n}") send(test_process_pid, {n, plot}) end) end) plot_ids =, fn n -> receive do {^n, plot} -> plot.plot_id after 100 -> nil end end) assert Enum.sort(plot_ids) == Enum.to_list(1..total_plots) end @tag task_id: 4 test "can release a plot" do assert {:ok, pid} = CommunityGarden.start() assert %Plot{} = plot = CommunityGarden.register(pid, "Johnny Appleseed") assert :ok = CommunityGarden.release(pid, plot.plot_id) assert [] == CommunityGarden.list_registrations(pid) end @tag task_id: 4 test "do not re-use id of released plots" do assert {:ok, pid} = CommunityGarden.start() plot_1 = CommunityGarden.register(pid, "Keanu Reeves") plot_2 = CommunityGarden.register(pid, "Thomas A. Anderson") assert plot_1.plot_id == 1 assert plot_2.plot_id == 2 CommunityGarden.release(pid, plot_1.plot_id) CommunityGarden.release(pid, plot_2.plot_id) plot_3 = CommunityGarden.register(pid, "John Doe") plot_4 = CommunityGarden.register(pid, "Jane Doe") assert plot_3.plot_id == 3 assert plot_4.plot_id == 4 end @tag task_id: 4 test "release only one plot at time" do assert {:ok, pid} = CommunityGarden.start() plot_1 = CommunityGarden.register(pid, "Keanu Reeves") plot_2 = CommunityGarden.register(pid, "Thomas A. Anderson") assert plot_1.plot_id == 1 assert plot_2.plot_id == 2 CommunityGarden.release(pid, plot_1.plot_id) assert [^plot_2] = CommunityGarden.list_registrations(pid) end @tag task_id: 5 test "can get registration of a registered plot" do assert {:ok, pid} = CommunityGarden.start() assert %Plot{} = plot = CommunityGarden.register(pid, "Johnny Appleseed") assert %Plot{} = registered_plot = CommunityGarden.get_registration(pid, plot.plot_id) assert registered_plot.plot_id == plot.plot_id assert registered_plot.registered_to == "Johnny Appleseed" end @tag task_id: 5 test "return not_found when attempt to get registration of an unregistered plot" do assert {:ok, pid} = CommunityGarden.start() assert {:not_found, "plot is unregistered"} = CommunityGarden.get_registration(pid, 1) end end