rotational_chipher without transliteration table

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Danil Negrienko 2024-06-29 00:38:35 -04:00
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@ -1,42 +1,15 @@
defmodule RotationalCipher do
@moduledoc """
Generates a simple Caesar cipher by rotating the alphabet by a given amount.
Use for that shifted alphabet generation function and transliteration table based on two alphabets.
@lower ?a..?z
@upper ?A..?Z
@alphabet ?a..?z
|> Enum.to_list()
|> to_string()
|> String.split("", trim: true)
defguard is_lower(char) when char in @lower
defguard is_upper(char) when char in @upper
defguard is_letter(char) when char in @lower or char in @upper
# Generates a shifted alphabet based on the given shift amount.
# If swaped is true, the function will return a map with the index as the key and the character as the value,
# otherwise the function will return a map with the character as the key and the index as the value.
defp alphabet(shift \\ 0, swaped \\ false) when shift < 26 and shift >= 0 do
|> Enum.with_index(fn char, index ->
position = if index + shift >= 26, do: index + shift - 26, else: index + shift
if swaped == true, do: {position, char}, else: {char, position}
|> Enum.into(%{})
# Generates a transliteration table based on the given shift amount.
defp transliterate_table(shift) do
transliterated = alphabet(shift, true)
|> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn {char, index}, acc ->
Map.merge(acc, %{
transliterated[index] => char,
String.upcase(transliterated[index]) => String.upcase(char)
defp rotate_char(char, table), do: table[char] || char
defp rotate_char(char, shift) when is_lower(char) and is_lower(char + shift), do: char + shift
defp rotate_char(char, shift) when is_upper(char) and is_upper(char + shift), do: char + shift
defp rotate_char(char, shift) when is_letter(char), do: char + shift - 26
defp rotate_char(char, _shift) when not is_letter(char), do: char
@doc """
Given a plaintext and amount to shift by, return a rotated string.
@ -47,14 +20,10 @@ defmodule RotationalCipher do
@spec rotate(text :: String.t(), shift :: integer) :: String.t()
def rotate(text, shift) when shift == 0 or shift == 26, do: text
def rotate(text, shift) do
table = transliterate_table(shift)
|> String.graphemes()
|>, table))
|> Enum.join()
|> to_char_list()
|>, shift))
|> to_string()