23 lines
656 B
23 lines
656 B
defmodule Strain do
@doc """
Given a `list` of items and a function `fun`, return the list of items where
`fun` returns true.
Do not use `Enum.filter`.
@spec keep(list :: list(any), fun :: (any -> boolean)) :: list(any)
def keep([], _fun), do: []
def keep([head | tail], fun) do
if fun.(head), do: [head | keep(tail, fun)], else: keep(tail, fun)
@doc """
Given a `list` of items and a function `fun`, return the list of items where
`fun` returns false.
Do not use `Enum.reject`.
@spec discard(list :: list(any), fun :: (any -> boolean)) :: list(any)
def discard(list, fun), do: keep(list, &!fun.(&1))